Feeling less sick than yesterday and paranoid after stillborn


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Feb 27, 2021
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My first baby was stillborn in May last year. I then suffered a very early miscarriage in December. I’ve just conceived (through ivf as I’ve found out that I have premature ovarian ageing which is likely the cause of my losses as nothing else has been found) and I’m so paranoid. I’m 7 weeks and was feeling quite sick but the last two days the sickness has been a lot less. Is this normal? I’m trying to remember back to my first pregnancy but I didn’t monitor it at all as I was in the blissful situation of just assuming everything would be ok! I’m an emotional mess and I just can’t deal with another loss especially when everyone around me is having healthy children so easily and I’ve had such a tough time.
I’m really sorry you’ve been through all that, can’t even begin to imagine how nerve wracking this is for you! When I was pregnant with my LG I’d be more sicky some days than others! It would be very sporadic, i could go a few days - a week without feeling or being sick.. but other times I’d feel sick all day everyday! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xxx

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Sorry to hear of your losses. I have also had a misscarraige and understand your worry.

I'm also 7 weeks and I suffer with sickness but there are days when I don't get it at all. Some days can be terrible and others great. Hope that's abit of reassurance <3
Sorry to hear all you've been through. As far as I'm aware sickness can come and go very easily and I thibk alot of people sometimes feel better around week 7 or 8. And some people don't get sickness at all. I never had any and it made me so paranoid.

Good luck xxx
I am sorry to know about your loss. Each pregancy might have different symptoms, and being relaxed is very important for your and your baby's health.

My first baby was stillborn in May last year. I then suffered a very early miscarriage in December. I’ve just conceived (through ivf as I’ve found out that I have premature ovarian ageing which is likely the cause of my losses as nothing else has been found) and I’m so paranoid. I’m 7 weeks and was feeling quite sick but the last two days the sickness has been a lot less. Is this normal? I’m trying to remember back to my first pregnancy but I didn’t monitor it at all as I was in the blissful situation of just assuming everything would be ok! I’m an emotional mess and I just can’t deal with another loss especially when everyone around me is having healthy children so easily and I’ve had such a tough time.
So sorry to hear of your losses! I too had a miscarriage at 6+5 Weeks in December. Praying all goes well for you with this new precious gift from God! Please keep us posted!
I am very sorry for your loss. Every pregnancy is different. I know for myself, I didn't start feeling sick at all until about week 8. My most intense morning sickness happened in weeks 13 &14. If you are worried, you can ask your doctor for a progesterone test to make sure that all of the hormones are functioning in your body as they should. I have been in constant fear this pregnancy, and I went for progesterone tests twice in the first trimester. It's a bit difficult to get doctors to agree to it, but if all of your hormones are functioning properly, it can be quite relieving to hear.

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