Feeling Down...


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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well as you all no i had my cesarean 3 weeks ago on monday and im feeling quite upset about everything... it might sound silly but ive tried speaking to my mum and the midwife and i dont feel any better.

when i was have my section owen was stuck in my ribs and they had to really push down on my ribs to get him out, it took 4 of them to do it. when they finally got him out he was wrapped in a towel and taken into another room. i never heard him cry for what felt like ages, but was only a few minutes. i keep having dreams about that moment. i just remember seeing her carrying owen wrapped in a towel... she went into another room and i never seen him. i feel really silly saying this because i feel like its pathetic. i just cant stop thinking about it, there was real panic in the room and i didnt no what was going on.

i spoke to my mum and told her how i was feeling and i told the midwife... it made me feel better for a while but now i feel the same again. sorry if this is really silly i just dont no what else to do, needed to get it off my chest.

thanks for listening... xxx
thats awful, what a frightening thing to go through especially when you are lying numbed up on the table. No wonder it keeps coming back to you. You might be experiencing a bit of baby blues, they tend to make you focus on negative things and certainly speaking to your midwife and others will help but tell her it keeps coming back to you.

I agree, baby blues really make you focus on the negative, even if your birth was good. I can't imagine how you are feeling it must be terrible. I would ask your midwife again, tell her how you are feeling and really stress how upset you are. She maybe doesn't realise?? I am here if you need a chat. Take care :hug:
It's very normal to have thoughts like these and not pathetic at all!

Many areas offer counselling and follow up sessions for new moms who had a traumatic birth. In many places you can even meet the midwife who delivered your baby and talk to her about what happened.
Talk to you HV and see if she can point you in the right direction.


hey hun
that must have been one of the scareist times in ur life not knowing wot was happening so im not surprised that its effecting u, i had some probs in labour with Brayds and kept thinkin about it wen i first had him and was really emotional
at least ur lil man is here safe and with u if u ever need to tlk hun u know where i am
Hi hayley, your not pathetic at all you had a traumatic birth and is something you will remember forever. you just have to think your little man is safe and well!
I know how you are feeling, i had a emergency section and no-one was telling me anything...all i know was his heartbeat slowed right down and eventually stopped for a minute, when they whisked him out he was so bruised and swollen etc that he has to go to SCBU so he was born at 12.17 and i didnt see him until 5.30ish that afternoon. it was the most awful thing ever!!
Afterwards i thought about the birth a lot and it really upset me that things didnt go the way i planned! i also used to dream of the birth every night and it would be constantly on my mind making me feel like poo!!!
I could go on but ill stop boring you now!!! lol
Take time to thing about things, it may have been traumatic but you have a gorgeuos son now who is fit and healthy so try to focus on that and not how he was born!
sorry to waffle, if you ever wana chat let me know...email or msn etc!

Steph xxx
I had an emergency section and I used to dream about it for weeks! I felt so bad about it all because it didn't go how I wanted it to go and because I felt so ill afterwards it made everything a million times worse. It's normal to feel that way hun when you have been through a bad birthing experience. My sil gave birth naturally but my niece had the cord round her neck and wasn't breathing, she still dreams about it at times and my niece is now 5 months old. I promise you it does get better and it's totally normal to feel that way especially if you're feeling a bit poorly after. Just try to take each day as it comes and maybe see your gp if it's really bad. At the end of the day you and your baby are both fit and healthy and you'll get through it together, wait till he starts smiling etc it makes everything worth while!
Hi Hun

I would keep telling them how you feel so they can maybe evaluate you a little i know these kinda things are quite normal and i hope it all gets better for you.
I am here if you ever need me .

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