Feeling down on my birthday and i dont know why?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Its my birthday and i feel terrible. i feel so down and emotional and im not sure why, it was like it last year too. My OH got up at 10:30 as he was working 12-12 today, and has been working so much this week, i had 2 dvds and 2 cds off him unwrapped from tesco that he got yesterday before work. Once i had my presents he went in the shower while i made breakfast and ironed his uniform and not long after he left for work.

I guess im just feeling very deflated. This is only my second year living in my own house, and when i use to have a birthday when living with my parents i use to get so much fuss, I guess i was just looking forward to one day where things would be done for me instead of the other way round.

My mother phoned and said they would come down and we would have a takeaway tonight but i just feel like curling up. My 3year nephew then phoned and sung happy birthday which made me burst into tears, so im sitting writting this crying. I just think ive been bottling up some worries and they have all caught up with me. Like my parents want to come here, but i hate my house, i know that sounds terrible because i should be grateful that i have a house, but i hate it and the thought of everyone coming down later and sitting here, i just cant stand it. My mother has said i can go down theirs for food tonight but i really dont feel like going out.

Whats wrong with me im only 22 lol i was like this at christmas too. Sorry for the moan just needed to get it out.

Edited* coz off my spelling mistakes
aww hun have some of these :hug: :hug: i know what you mean i was miserable on my birthday to, maybe is like you said you have been in your house 2 years and when you lived with your parents you got spoiled as it was your birthday now because you are not there anymore you feel like you are missing out
dont really know what else to say maybe try talking to your OH tell him how you feel.
:hug: I'm the same sweet. I always visit my Mum and Dad on my Birthday and I still do like they used to I buy a big cake and candles. My OH is like yours he doesn't really understand how much I love Birthdays! I think its just we were both brought up so differently, he wouldn't have a birthday cake or his presents wrapped up and cards. He would just be given money or ask for a cd and have it like that.

I think its one of those times when it hits you that your not a kid anymore but you still want to hold on to that excited feeling. Don't let it get you down though, you should go and make your birthday special even if you have to do it yourself. Do your hair put a bit of makeup on go shopping and go and have yummy take away for tea! :hug: Hope you feel better xx


birthdays are never quite as exciting after your 21st :hug:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY :hug: hope ur enjoying it more soon. x

it is mine tomorrow i'm going on nappy strike haha! my boyf can have that pleasure tehe
thanks girlies, am feeling abit better more possitive, same as you nickilubs my OH was never made a fuss of on his birthday, i remember when i met him on that first birthday he only had 2 cards off all his family and friends and i dont think he ever had a party.

I think your right i do want to hold on to when i was younger, i use to get so excited when my birthday was coming up. Im ot one for change lol. I think it is that my OH and so different, i mean it was our first christmas last year on our own and he didnt do things my way if you get what i mean lol, like with my parents and sister we all use to sit round the tree and past out presents, It wasnt like that last year lol.

Well since i posted the first post i felt abit better for getting it out so i put on the maamia mia cd my OH got for me and put it on and cleaned the house like a mad woman lol, ready for my parents to come down later and phone my mam to ask if we can go out somewhere so we are take kyla to the park to feed the ducks. So gonna jump in the shower and hopefully make myself feel like going out lol.

Thanks everyone :hug: :hug: :hug:

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