Feeling a bit down...


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hey everyone

Just need someone to talk to....

Well nothing is going right for me at the moment, got made redundant last month just before christmas....My group of close friends that I have around here where I have recently moved to (1 year ago) have backstabbed me and shitted on me, so now I feel lonely I have no friends at the moment and then to top it all, I got a BFN last month and that is getting me down after trying for over 4 years now....:sad:

I just feel like I want to give up on everything! They say life will get better and easier, but does it??

The one thing is losing my friends, because I am a friendly person and I make a really good friend, so I don't see why when I start to make friends, everyone back stabs me or shits on me...Am I too kind perhaps?!

Sorry for going on, just feeling a bit low and needed to get it out, they say it's easier to talk to people you hardly know....

Donna xx
oh hunni its not good when things like this happen....

your bfp will come hun and some advice i heard here a while back was that the cutest babies take the longest to make :)

dont let your so called friends bring you down, they are not worth it, i have my close friends but it took a long time for them to gain my friendship due to my trust issues, you will make new and better ones, cos as you said your a friendly person

on the plus side u always have your friends on PF! wayheeyy!

chin up huni, it will be better xx
Aaaw chin up :hug: I moved to a diff country 5 yrs ago to be with o/h (long story). Anyway took me ages to make new friends - didn't know where to start. Had lots of good friends from home - who I am still v. Close to and I think friendships like that take a long time to form. I met a few people at my old job over here but none that I would consider a friend for life. Since becoming a police officer over 2 years ago I've made lots of new friends. So if I can, you can too. Sadly people do get let down a bagfull by "friends" I have before but it's just another thing to learn from. They r obviously not worth bothering with if they are so quick to abandon you. U know u are a good person and they clearly aren't, so you'll make new mates soon I'm sure. As for ttc - I can't say I know how u feel cause I've not tried yet. One of my friends however nearly gave up hope. Years of trying without success, failed ivf attempts then somehow conceived a little girl naturally and a little sister for her a few years on - natural again. Hope u feel happier again soon xx
ah hun, sending you big hugs. Being unemployed is so hard, especially at the moment when jobs are so hard to come by. And as for those friends, you're better off without them. Its not a reflection of you at all, people who behave like that are usually just wrapped up in their own problems or anger which has nothing to do with you. People are terrible for being crowd followers too. You're better than that. You will meet new friends, you just got to get out there and join a club/evening class or something to meet people.

As for TTC that must be so hard for you. Stay positive though hun. you will get your bfp, there are amazing stories out there. Have you spoken to your OH about it?

I hope things seem a bit better after you have had some sleep. PM me if you ever want to talk xxx
Sending you hugs being unemployed is awful :( xxx
Thank you everyone

Still feeling like crap, just got a letter from a job I went for, went to the interview and didn't get it, so that's a bit of a blow lol

Thanks to everyone for your kind words.

Donna x
hey mrs... hope ur ok.... i know that job you didnt get was gonna b shit anyway ;) chin up....

my oh's aunt was trying to conceive for years had ivf etc and nothing. they gave up... and she conceived naturally :D it does happen and it will for you too...

cant say much to make you feel better but at least you can moan on here to all of us!!! xxx
hi hun,
I know how you feel when it comes to losing friends...I've lost a few recently who I thought I was very close to. It's like I'm perfect being there for them but whenever I needed them they were always too busy etc. Just get to a point where you think you're better off without them. I admit I haven't really got anyone I could call a true true friend but I feel like I'm outgoing and friendly!
As emma-lou said you've got us lot on here so moan away and we'll always be here for you...
Take care hun x
This time last year I had no friends. Now I have made loads who are all absolutely amazing. If you're a friendly person it won't be long til you have a whole new group of friends!!!

Thanks everyone for the advice and a shoulder to lean on lol

I suppose things will start to look up for me soon

Donna xx

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