Feel like I've been hit by a truck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Ah what a way for my body to welcome me to the last 3 months of pregnancy - I feel absolutely wiped out - everything aches and I feel shattered!

I guess I did over do it a bit at the wkend for a pregnant lady but have been feeling great for the last couple months and usually things like doing the big shop, walking round town and a bit of heavy lifting wouldn't be a problem.

Can hardly move without moaning and groaning today though and have had to take the day off work.

I think I've had my third trimester wake up call!!
aww sending you hugs hun....:hugs:....make sure u take it easy today and put ur feet up :nap:.....welcome to tri 3 hey ;) xxx
Awe Hun :hug: it only gets betta haha!

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You are now fully initiated into Tri 3 with your first moany post!!! Congratulations!!

Seriously, put your feet up today and any day in the future when you feel you need it. I have found that there have been good days and bad and as long as you take advantage of the good days then you shouldn't feel guilty about taking some time out on the bad ones.
Welcome to 3rd tri :D as the others says have a day of rest with your feet up :)
I remember hitting tri 3 with a bump and a big moan :( I had such a nice tri 2 and was so shocked when within a couple of weeks i was tired and achey all the time!! and yes it only gets worse so take it easy :) xxxx
I love the way were all so optimistic :rotfl:

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Thanks girls and thanks for your honesty! :lol: I'll take it easy today for sure. Can't believe the difference in how I feel to how I felt the last couple months! Come back lovely glowing energy!! :wall2: :lol:
Hope you feel better soon! - im startin to feel realy shit now! Iron tabs have made me feel better though but iv not been takin em recently, mght start takin em again! x

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