feel like giving up:(


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2006
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had bethany weighed today and shes only put 1oz on so the hv wants a bf woman to come and see me but i really dont want someone to help me shes not even back up to her birthweight she is having a botle as well i think i might have to go onto bottles with her dont want to but needs must be and i ust but bethany first so i feel a bit down about it today ad feel like im doing something wrong :(
just wanted to say i'm in exactly the same boat
can't give you advice as i don't know what to do myself just wanted to let you know you're not the only one!
:hug: :hug:
A gain is a gain! Don't be disheartened! I'm sure your doing a fab job. Is she content after feeds?.. alert?.. having wet/dirty nappies? these are all better indications to whether shes getting enough or not. It's such a shame these 'professionals' put a dampner on things with charts etc. I say take the help even if you don't need it. I'm still BF 8 mths on and sticking with it in them early days was the best decision i ever made! It is hard and you will get down sometimes but tomorrow is another day :hug:
I completely agree with Keli. Keep with it, you know your baby better than anyone else.
Keli gives excellent advice - she has gained weight, and if she is giving plenty of wet nappies and is alert then she is getting enough ,milk. Why don't you want someone to help you? I wouldn't worry, bf counsellers are really sympathetic and helpful :hug:

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