feel like a tit :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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awhile ago i was very sad and disheartened when a girl whom i was VERY close friends with and not seen since before i was preg said she would come see me and my boyf and milliepops, sounded so excited and told me she loved me- then stood me up and ignored my texts :( thread

i hav another friend who i still saw loads throughout my pregnancy, altho a party girl herself she wasnt one of those who disincludes u coz ur preggas. we still went out to bars together (i drank lemonade!) and shopping etc and visited each other, and she came to visit with her girlf a few weeks after i'd had melissa, they brought her a present and a card and we had a lovely chat. after that she texted a few times until one time it had been weeks since i heard from her, so i texted her. she always texts me back, but now its always me who initiates contact, and im getting para now thinking maybe she's tryna shake me off coz im "boring" now iv got a baby and shes wondering when im gonna get the message! dont wanna seem like a desperate loser :(

i hope im just being paranoid and she's just busy (it is very likely when i think of her lifestyle) but a little gnawing voice of low-confidence just tells me she doesnt want me anymore!

the only friend who texts ME first is the pregnant one! :(
Don't worry hun, if she stayed in touch whilst you were preg, and even after you had Melissa, then I bet she's just had a lot on. She'll be in touch :)
I think it seems to be something that happens once someone has a baby. I have been feeling pretty let down by a few of my friends lately but it is usually them or us arranging something then them not turning up, or just saying they are busy all the time.

I just take it that i know who my friends are and they are the ones that bother to stay in touch with you properly, oddly enough they are the ones that have children themselves now and i find that thats a good thing because there is someone for the lo to play with to then, and also you can take it in turns looking after each others children and go out at the weekend or something.
This happened to me too, my friends started having nights out/girlie nights and forgot to invite me :( I think this just sometimes happens when you have a baby. The only friends I see now are those that have babies too
Ugh I know what you mean. However I am lucky in that I won't see some of my friends for weeks,but I know that then i can just pick up the phone and the'll drop everything to come out with me.I'd love to see them more but we all have exams,I have willow etc.

I think once our babies grow up a bit and get a little less dependant on us,it'll be easier to chuck them at our various partners and say "RIGHT! I'm off!" :lol: :lol:

Ive had tons of friends do this but maybe see first before you come to a conclusion about her.
:hug: Katrina
Just about that 1st friend. Is she still with the abusive partner? If so he's probably a control freak and may have caused a fuss over her going out and she's too embarrassed to say anything. Just a thought...

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