Feeding and Crying


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2005
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Hi all,

Havent been on for a while as I cant find the time! :)I am after a bit of advice from you please.

I breasfeed Charlotte for the first two weeks (before the pain become to unbearable) and she has always cried for her food and seemed desperate for it each time. Sometimes she would get herself so worked up in a matter of seconds, for her food that she then couldnt find my nipple and her arms and legs would go mad and she would snuffle around and get quite distressed until she managed to latch on. Once she was on she was then fine. This wasnt every feed just some occasionally.

Now she is feeding on formula and bottles I have experienced this a few times, but assumed it was her getting used to teats rather than my nipple. However recently she has started to cry and get distressed even when the teat is in her mouth and she was feeding fine! she gets all worked up really quickly and it takes me a minute to calm her and help her find the teat again.

she is also sometimes doing this for the second half of her feed, I usually let her feed until she has a breather or has had about 2 oz, (I found it I let her carry on she would projectile vomit) then I change her nappy and wind her and offer her the rest of her 4oz feed, she is getting really distressed/ arms and legs go everywhere and she cries and cannot find the teat again.

Is this because she doesnt want the rest of the bottle? or is she just hungry and cannot wait? Is this normal??? Has your baby ever done this??? has anyone any advise or tips/tricks on how I can get her to happily feed again without the distress. My DH and I feel like we are torturing her and causing her sever pain when she feeds like this.
Hi Hun, My Charlotte gets like this too, Im sure its normal. Im still BFing her, but trying to introduce bottles. Have you tried changing her teat?? We had the normal avent ones, but she hated them and became really fussy. We now have some latex orthadontic ones which she likes.
She does still how ever still snuffle around at boob time, its almost like she cant find it LO, bless! I think its a phase and totally normal.
Yes already tried the changing the teat, we have Avent ones that she doesnt get on with at all, so we are using mothercare teats that are bobbily so they are like the breast, she has been fine on these, until the last few days on the odd feed.

glad to here other babies do the same and it is normal though. Just didnt want to be getting confused and making her feel like we are trying to force feed her. She hardly ever has the full 4 oz mostly she settles for 2oz, as long as she has had this we are happy shes content and fed.
hi MrsG

sounds the same symptoms as i've been going through with my son i just had him diagnosed with reflux i would get it checked by your doctor as it can be very painful for a baby, better safe than sorry but it sounds very much like it to me, try small feeds often and don't lay her flat as it makes it worse try lifting her head slightly and feed upright, i hope this helps us both :(
Little and often does sometimes work but for Damien it doesn't make any diifference to his reflux unfortunately.

It does sound a bit like reflux MrsG, have a word with the HV and see if they can prescribe a milkt thickener to help keep it down.

good luck :) xx
Maybe your little one just need to burp?
Maheen sometimes stops drinking in the middle of the feed and can get quite upset, so we stop and make her burp, she usually does within seconds and then we can carry on!
Try this!

mel xx
Thanks Dee and Sami for your replies. I had no idea about reflux, will def call my HV as luckily she is really nice!! :)

Melhoney, I am already winding her halfway through and she does bring up wind very easily, but thanks for the idea anyway.

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