feeding amounts


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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first i want to say sorry to kwain, i was going to make this thread eariler but after seeing yours about feeding and weight gain i put it off. but its still on my mind so i had to make this, sorry hun i dont mean to be insensitive

can i ask how much all your babies are feeding? and how old they are?

Coby is 10 days old and has just gone up to haveing 5oz bottles every 4 hours.

now this seems alot for a 10 day old baby, he isnt sick after so its not like hes bringing it all back up and then hungry again.

im not sure wether to put him on hungrier baby milk or let him carry on drinking 5oz of the normal first stage milk.

any ideas/advice would be great, my other two were not on this much at this age so im not sure wether its ok or not.

braydon was like this so i put him on to the hungrier baby milk but it was at 20 days as i breast fed for 10 and after that he took loads of milk and iafter going on 2nd milk he took alot but not as much - does that make sence?
yeah, thats what im thinking, if i put him on the hungrier milk he might not take as much.

but then if he is not being sick taking 5oz of teh first stage milk is it ok just to let him carry on having it.

thats what im not sure about, whcih one is best to do.
I think it is personal choice not 100% sure- but my HV advised me to go on to 2nd stage
Glad to hear you little man is feeding so well! Think I'm just going to ignore the HV after the advice i've had on here and just see if her weight gain picks up. After all HV's do love moaning!! :D Aimee is happy and healthy so she musn't be starving.
Jamie has 7oz every 4 hours, Although sometimes he doesnt drink it all but always drinks at least 5oz!
At that age, Ava was having around 3oz every 3-4 hours.

She's 6 months old now and has 6-8oz every 4-6 hours plus solids twice a day.
I was going to ask this question myself. Ella is now 3 weeks 3days and the formula tin says she should be having 4oz 5 times in 24hours, but instead she is having 5oz 6 times in 24 hours, so in effect she is taking an extra 10oz each day, which seems like alot. But I suppose these are just guidelines and all babies are different and they will have what their bodies need.
Rubie is 5 weeks, weighs 8lb and has 5oz every 3.5 - 5 hours
eva weighs 7lb8 now and is taking 3-4oz every 3-4hrs. sometimes I top her up with breast milk in between. I breast fed solidly for the first 8days but she is so demanding i had to introduce forula aswell.

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