Feeding a new born


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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How often does a newborn need to be fed? Also, I would like to breast feed, would I need to breast feed for the first few weeks/months, then I can start expressing or does it not matter?
well going on my experience at the moment.. i wont even go there cos im breast feeding and having teething problems to deal with

Generally newborns feed every 3-4 hours, if you breast feed then it could be that your baby demand feeds, and that can be tiring.. as for expressing you can express and breast feed it doesnt matter, you need to see what you are comfortable with

good luck when your lo arrives :hug:
for the first few days b4 the proper milk came in, millie fed for about 15 minutes every 3-4 hours- when the milk came in it was every 2 hours and she was on for 40-60 minutes :shock:
now she and i are more experienced its only for 15 minutes again but its still every 2 hours. :)
Not nessacerily ladies...

Stephen was a formula fed baby and despite the formula he was feeding every hour to every couple of hours the first month or so. He was avery hungary baby and there was nothing wrong with him he was just a growing boy.
My stats include day time and night time till he hit a month old, then at night he settled down to just two feeds between 10pm and 6am.But carried on feeding hard during the day till 6 weeks then he settled down too every 3 hours.

Every baby is different whether there breastfed or bottle fed
Harry is formula fed (after 2 weeks of breast feeding) And would feed ever 1 1/2 to 2 hours. He is now going a bit longer, he is a very hungry baby.
They say if you breastfeed to try and let your milk supply settle for 4-6 weeks after birth before expressing, as it can disrupt the supply/demand.

Saying that, some women need to express from day 1 for health reasons and they get on OK, I would say to try and leave it if you can. Hopefully you'll settle into breastfeeding well and the thought of faffing about sterilizing pumps and bottles will put you off anyway... that's what I found, I hardly ever expressed, I just couldn't be arsed :lol:
Every baby is different, it is normal for a newborn to feed for an hour every 3 hours, or to feed for 10 minutes every hour. It varies so much. Just feed on demand to begin with, your baby & your body will know what's best, just go with the flow.

I started expressing at about 4 weeks, I now usually pump 2 feeds per day (I do it at the same time every morning so my supply isn't affected), so OH can give a bottle last thing & I have a good stock in the freezer for days when I have to work.

Good luck, breastfeeding is hard work to begin with but so worth it.

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