FAO Little Miss Pink and SamanthaJayne

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

I am so excited we have all hit the 2nd to last baby today woohoo. :cheer: :cheer:

Just wanted to share it with you, hopefully time will start going faster now as I so want to meet my little munchkin :D :D

Hope you are all feeling ok??

omg :shock: thankyou for pointing that out i never would have noticed. i really cannot believe how fast the time is going. i really can't wait to meet my baby either now i'm getting so excited but also terrified of the thought of giving birth :roll: i'm feeling great its been a really good pregnancy so far. hope your ok too :D :hug:
I only know coz I have noted down the dates they change, the last baby is at 35+5 I think. I am feeling good to just getting a little impatient and the babies movements have changed again so this has been causing me a bit of worry but apart from that everything is great :D
:wave: :wave: :wave:

I know....... I've been counting down to this baby move since i came to 3rd TRi but this morning when i logged on exctied about seeing suddenly i got the jitters!! 8 weeks 6 days till due date!!! OMG thats not long at all!!

We'll be racing to the finish line before we know it i think!! I cannot wait to meet my phump!! I wonder who pops first out of us 3!

I dont think it will be me because I have been told 2 different dates the 15th and 17th. By all my scans, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 20 weeks and 4d scan I have been spot on for the 15th but the midwife at the my 12 week scan rounded it off to 12 weeks which made it the 17th so I may go over :( I wish you could predict when you will go into Labour as I would live to know how long I have got left. I am desperate to meet my munchkin :)

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