Eye Contact and Bottle Feeding

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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Ive been told and read that when bottlefeeding your baby you should make lots of eye contact with them but when i feed emily she doesnt seem interested in me, she either closes her eyes or looks elsewhere

She'll stare at me at other times, its just when im feeding her she doesnt want to look at me.

This won't affect anything will it?
just keep trying to make eye contact.. when she becomes more aware of everything around her she will start to latch on to your eyes!

then you get to the stage where they look and concentrate on everything but the bottle you are trying to feed them :roll: :lol:
Hun if you keep lookin at her she wil start to look at you :D it won't affect anythin hun her not lookin at you :hug: :hug: (just means emily's nosey :lol: :lol: :hug: )

Unlike keeley who wil scream for a bottle then when i give her it she'll drink about an oz then a theme tune wil come on or an advert and she wil forget that she was just screamin for a bottle and watch the tv :roll: :lol: :lol:
mark is the same. try feedig him when there is anything going on arund and he looses interest straight away. he is so nosey, im sure he gets it from his dad :rotfl:
Euan is exactly the same-sometimes he will look at me but often he fixates on something else around the room. Try not to worry I am sure its something lots of babies go through.x
Eefie rarely looks at me when feeding but we have other times for eye contact like bum changes. Doesnt seem to make any difference as he's clearly bonded, place goes up if he wakes up and I'm not there :lol:

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