Extremely concerned


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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I know this is gonna sound so crazy and you are gonna think Im a complete loon or hypercondriac (sp)... but Im not!

On October 4th I started smelling a phantom smokey smell. I thought nothing of it, just the on set of a cold or something. 3 days later I came on my period, again thought nothing of it. The smell lasted about 5 days (ish)

On 31st October got the smokey smell again. Again 3 days later I came on. It did worry me a bit. Googled it and became quite worried as it said things about brain tumours and epilepsy but just thought, no, it will just be a coincidence.

Anyway, went to the doctor about it and she wasnt concerned, said it is most likely swollen nasal tissue or something as I have been having a lot of cold symptoms lately. If it was a brain tumour I would have been extremely ill with it (severe headaches and sickness), if it was epilepsy I would have had a fit) She said if I continued to feel concerned then I should see her about it again.

Well yesterday (exactly 56 days from the first time and 28 days from the second (cant say my cycles arent regular!)) it happened again and I am due on my period on Monday!

I dont know why I am getting this horrid smell running along side my cycle. Im now worried that I have a neurological disorder or something :?

Im going back to see the doctor.

Just wanted to ask if you would be worried if it was happening to you?
it is a bit wired hun isnt it,
i would go back to the doctor as its the 3rd time now
:hug: :hug:
sense of smell is heightened in different phases of your cycle so I wouldnt worry hun :hug: :hug: it peaks at ovulation so Id say its the hormones :hug:

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