Expressing breast milk


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I have tried my pump but have been unsuccessful so far. Not exactly sure what I am doing wrong?!?

I need to express a little bit to mix with some colief for Matilda but I'm panicking as to how I am going to do it :(

Any tips for using the pump? What am I doing wrong?

How else can I get a couple of tablespoons of breast milk?!?!
Are you using electric or manual?

Could you try expressing by hand into a little medicine cup until you get hang of pump
you could try hand expressing?

Ive not tried my pump yet but someone said to try pumping from one side while baby is feeding from the other as baby activate let down reflx for the milk!
Thanks ladies.

I'm not so great at hand expressing and only get a few drops really. My pump is an electric one but has not got a single drop out of my boobies!! :shock:
Have you tried skin to skin first? I find it very hard to express without it tbh, bless him Albert always ends up with his ears stuck to the side of his head :D

I squeeze a bit out first if I need to and then attach the pump xxxxxxxxx
What brand are you using?

Don't be disheartened it can take a while to get anything out when you express, don't give up the more you do it the more you will get.

Expressing from one side while baby feeds from the other is a good way to express but you may need some help to do it.

Have you tried massaging your boobs before expressing?
I've got a Philips pump.

Just managed to get a tiny amount out, enough to give Tilly the colief so alls good.

I was intending to use it in the future to express feeds so OH could do done night feeds but that seems a long way off at this stage!
I massage my boobs while the pump is on - also look at your LO while trying to express - I find it best to express first thing in the morning after a nights sleep otherwise I never get as much out - good luck hun x
I found I needed to be as relaxed as poss and think about or look at LO to help get the let down reflex to the express milk. If i was struggling I would sometimes stick to feeding off the one side in the night and then express off the full booby in the morning! Can get uncomfortable if really engorged but made expressing a lot easier the few times I needed to do it that way. xxx
i found a manual pump so much easier. electric i hardly got anything .
with manual i can get 8oz in 15mins tops. i find expressing first thing in the morning the best.
In the beginning I would hand express before using my pump x

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I prefer manual expressing - so much easier and hurts less! It takes some practice, but I'd recommend you to try xx
I've just tried for the first time with an hired electric pump, probably too late to start in the evening but I gave it a go. I didn't get much out and they feel a bit sore now. When you ladies say manual do you mean a hand pump or hand expressing? any tips in general would be great.
My let down is only good if both breasts are being worked
So i got a double pump but before that i was using a hand pump with Issac on the other side x
My let down is only good if both breasts are being worked
So i got a double pump but before that i was using a hand pump with Issac on the other side x

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