Expressed milk and Breastfeeding questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi everyone
I'm going to my parents for the day tomorrow and want to take some expressed milk with me (my dad gets quite embarressed if i pop the boob out even though I've got a shawl on to cover up), I usually just put it in the fridge and use it within the 24 hours. I was just wondering how will I keep the milk in my changing bag to make sure it does'nt go off and if I express this afternoon/evening and take that batch out of the fridge just before I go in the morning How long will it be before it goes off?.

The other question I have is how long should a "normal" breast feed last for? My Little girl still varies in length sometimes 2hours and then sometimes only 20mins and then she is asleep. When she goes to sleep during a feed i usually rub her toes or cheek or blow on her, and change her to wake her up but then after a few mins she goes to sleep again does this mean she has had enough? WIll she be getting plenty during her 20 min feed?
i read that breast milk keeps at room temp for 6 hours (im sure it was from a link somewhere on here- cant remember where tho sorry!)

it is hard 2 tell how much a breastfed baby has eaten, thats the downside 4 me. but i think if its been 20 minutes and u can hear lots of swallowing, and ur baby is not having long pauses between sucks, that should be enough for 3 or 4 hours. u can sometimes feel how full their tummy is when u hold them up or burp them.
going 2 sleep on u does not always mean theyve had enough, its just that suckling is very tiring for babies, especially younger ones. i find that millie can fall asleep on me but stay firmly latched on, which means she wants more- but if shes had enough she'll break the suction and slip off. (but then after a burp she may still want more lol)

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