Exposing my 5 week old to chicken pox virus - help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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We are due to go to a 1st birthday party tomorrow, but the sister of the girl who's party it is has got chicken pox! She is on day 3 so still has blisters on her spots (so is still contagious).
The question is - do we risk going or not? Our friends have said they will keep their daughter away from Holly, but if they touch Holly & have touched a burst blister they could pass it on. I know they say it's better for them to have chicken pox as babies, but at 5 weeks old Holly won't be able to have Calpol if she catches them. My hubby says she'll be low risk as she is 80% breastfed so will have some immunity, but I'm not so sure.
Anyone else have an opinion please???? Would you take her not????

Sunnyb xxx
i personally wouldnt. well what is the age one the calpol box?? i personally think that although b.feeding does contain natural protection it doesnt make children invincible to illness they can still get ill. had she been older maybe 4 months plus i probably would have but not so young!! xx just imo,xxx
They can't take Calpol til 2 months old. We've just got her colic under control, so the last thing we need is for her to get chicken pox. My hubby is a bit more on the 'it's only a slim chance', but I'm more 'there's a chance'.
I'm not prepared to take the chance to be honest. Just wanted other people's input x

Sunnyb xxx
If you did need it doctors do prescribe calpol to children younger in a small dosage however I remember my Lo being 5 weeks and its hard anyway so wouldn't risk it.
I personally wouldn't either while she's so young. They're also infectious before the spots appear aren't they, so the sister could also have it, and others might too if they've seen each other recently? x
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I definately wouldn't at such a young age, I think it can be quite dangerous for newborns, and in my opinion not worth the risk x
I wouldn't, my cousin has got a 3 wk old and her older two got the chicken pox 3 wks ago the day he was born, of course she can't keep her own children out of the house but she really worrying about him catching them as she's been googleing and reading alsorts, I can't believe how much chicken pox spread to when monty got them 5 other ppl in the family did including his dad, he also give them to his auntie and he had only seen her once for about 3 mins a wk before his spots came out 2 wks after she seen monty she was covered
Thanks ladies. It was my hubby going on about slim chance of getting them & Holly having immunity still from me BF her. I don't want to take the risk at all. Text message already sent saying we're not going. Holly is far too young to put at risk. It's not like we have to take that chance, so we're not taking it!!

Sunnyb xxx

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