Excersise while TTC


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Hiya All :)
I was just wondering how safe it was to carry on exersising while TTC ? Im ovulating this week so for the next two weeks ill be in my 2WW.
On a Monday i do body combat and on thursday i go swimming, i was thinking if i should stop doing these while in my 2WW in case i do conceive :pray: and it could cause harm to the baby while its implanting ect ???
What do you think ? xx
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I'd carry on, I've never heard exercise can have a detrimental effect on ttc and it's good to stay healthy
Hey hun, I agree, especially the swimming. I spoke with the doctor regarding exercise when I told them I was ttc and she said exercise is good and actually helps your body deal with pregnancy and labour. The only thing she told me not to do was take up running (I was going to) as it can put strain on your uterus but I think that's only because I was going to take it up, if you already run I guess you'd be fine. I'm looking at taking up yoga and was looking at the hot yoga (the room is heated so your muscles stay warm) I'm guessing this isn't a great idea based on the fact your shouldn't get overheated? Or do you think it's fine to do until I get my bfp? xx
I just read something I think is quite a good rule with ttc and pregnancy, 'don't start anything new and do what feels right' so as you already do these classes and swimming regularly you should be fine xx
If you exercise regularly anyway it won't do any harm at all, but if it's new to you just yake it slow and build it up. I was running til 4 months pregnant and then started swimming and was fine xxx
Thanks for the replys girls ! I have been doing these classes and swimming for months so i guess ill be ok !!!!
Didnt go swimming last night tho - was too busy with another kind of excersise !!!!!:lol: he he he !
Thanks for the reassurance ! xx

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