Even more broodier than ever!-babysitting!


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Hii all

Had my work friends little one last night.. was really worried as have never had any young ones stay over and havent even looked after a baby alone in 3 years! I work with 2-5 year olds so a 10 month baby was a big difference but she was perfect. Ive never met a baby like her! I think its cause her mum goes out once a month for a night for relaxing or partying so i had offered many times before and she asked me this time so her little girl isnt affraid of new people at all!
she doesnt see many men other than dad nd grandad so when she saw my other half it was big wide eyed time and watched every thing he done and always wanted his cuddles bless her!
She slept from 9-8:30! was well supprised and stayed all day today! not one tear!
Happiest baby ive ever met!
Hated saying goodbye. my house feels very strange, i know it was only 20 hours but it felt right! like seeing the other half feed her cuddle her play with her, made my heart melt! its one thing saying yeah i want a baby but actually seeing it was really heart melting! Yeah he loves children and when hes with my cousin hes really good but being in our own home and having soul charge of her ws just really nice to see!
God im ramberling!

anyway im broody as hell!!!...even my mum came round this morning and when she left she said please lynsey, please get busy!
Aw thats so sweet! I can see why ur so broody lol! And I agree, seeing how good my OH is with babies makes me melt too!! Xx
That is so sweet and it's good to get the practice in! I love seeing my OH with babies and toddlers, he is so good with them.

We should be seeing his little cousin this week who is 3 and we've bought him a spiderman outfit, I think OH is more excited then the 3 year old will be. haha!
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haha lol yeh we had the kids channels on and as she was going home fireman sam came on, i came back in the room like half an hour later and he was still watching it! he was so engrosed haha!

There so sweet aint they!
Im just frustrated it happened accidently for her and so many others but us lot trying for ages! Its well over a year for me now! grrr.....

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