estate agents


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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How much commision does an estate agent take? is it 3%? I am having one come over to value our house today and was just wondering.

Also anything else i need to be carefull with? We wont be buying a house from him though, we will be buying new from bloor homes *touchwood*. But with the sale etc?

He has told us because the houses in our area are so popular there is no point in doing it up? we were going to put a new kitchen and some new floors in etc, but he said it probably wont make that much of a difference? is this right?

thanks cas x
Hi Cassi

Commission varies: I paid 1.25% when I moved 5 years ago, in July I paid 2.5% You should get 3 valuations and ask them all what their rates of commission are. Don't forget you can negotiate with them.

As for doing the place up, I wouldn't bother either. Unless you find that can't sell your house because your kitchen is minging...! If you have trouble selling it, then you should do it up....see what happens I reckon.

Good luck! Are you buying a brand new house?

Pea x
Yeah only problem is the one we like they only have 2 left now both mid terrace and we want semi :(
Commission varies, in Derby its anything from 1% upwards, most will negotiate to get the instruction from you. Get a few valuations and ask each agent what their commission charge is, how they will market your property (which sitres & paper) make sure your house goes in the local property paper and on, ask whether they have sold any similiar properties in the area recently and how much they went for/ how long were they on the market?

With doing up the kitchen, it really depends, most times new bathroom and kitchen are needed if your property is struggling to sell, can add around 5k - 10k depending on the size and spec etc. A lot of people don't want the hassle of ripping out the kitchen and bathroom when they move in, but on the flip side, some people prefer to so they get the kitchen/ bathroom they want. If your kitchen is ok, then don;t go through the hassle of replacing it, just see what happens when you put it on the market.
Def get at least two agents round to value the place and get more than one opinion on what they feel if anything needs doing.

Both agents who valued ours charged 1.5% and 3% if we decided to advertise through more than one agent.

Its worth asking how much they advertise your property and how they send out your details if you want a quick sale. The ones we went with did text and email updates as wel as posting particulars and had pics on 2 websites, with unlimited photos, stuck us in all papers on the first week then at least one a week thereafter. Also see how long they tie you in for, in case you are not happy with them and want to move to another agent.
Hi Cassi

You've had great advice so far, all I wanted to add is I would suggest going sole agency for 6 wks at a rate of 1-1.5% fees (depends how low the agency will go, some wont go below 1.5%). If the agent asks what other agencies have valued at, say they are the first in! The agent will know you will get more into value your property and wont want to lose face to the other agents by not selling it.

Also, ask if the agents will do a floorplan of your house for the particulars.


Hi well he has been and valued our house at more than we hoped. He is a girl who i work withs fella and he will charge 1.5% commision, he said its usually 2% but he discounted it abit for us because we are mates.

He also offered to tell people about our property when they veiw another in the area aswell that is the same house type so trying to get sales off other peoples interest aswell :D.

I also asked if he could do open veiwing so get more than 1 person in at a time so it kind of plays people off against eachother if you know what i mean? So that when people visit they know there is more people interested aswell and will help get the asking price or maybe abit more :).
he is also friends with the daughter of the managing director of bloor, so if we get a bloor home can hopefully get a few extras.

Thanks for all the help :-)

Cas xxxx

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