

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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Just read a thread about epidurals and its got me thinking.

In my pregnancy notes, it says that the anesthetist has to be informed of my arrival to the labour ward.

Does anyone know what this could be? And why?

They are going OTT at the fact i have a high BMI, im getting a 28 week GTT test, a 28 and 32 week growth scan and a presentation scan at 36weeks.

I will speak to my midwife about it all when i go in at my next appointment, just wondered if anyone can help me a bit here.

I know im getting the growth scans due to the fact they are keeping any eye on baby's weight cos my son was 9lb7! x
Hi hon, my bmi is pretty high too, I was given the gtt (came back negative for diabetes phew!) but I have also had to be booked in to see an anaethatist when I'm 34 weeks, I'm assuming for similar reasons to you, I was told it was so she could check me over look down my throat incase I need a tube (wtf, way to worry me!!!) and to measure my spine and back and take other measurements this is so she can write up a comprehensive anesthetic birth plan file that will sit on the labour ward and can be picked up by any of the oncall anaethatists when I go into labour incase I need emergency cesaerean or epidural. My consultant was pushing the angle that being over weight I'd tire easily and might not be able to push properly, and that people with a high bmi usually get an epidural as par for the course (I don't actually want one!!), despite being immensely offended as I've been doing pelvic floor etc and keeping fit throughout and feel pretty healthy, I am also glad they are doing it as at least I know if something does go wrong they can react immediately and have a pre-assessed plan to follow so I'll be in safe hands. I also take blood thinning injections and I've been told these can affect an epidural so I'd rather be safe than sorry I suppose.

Anyway I don't think its anything to worry about its just a precaution they take just incase and I guess in the end a bit of extra care from the medics can only be a benefit!!
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Do you mean he has to be in the labour ward when you give birth?

I had an un-planned epidural and the anethistist had to get phoned from home, which held things up a bit.

no it says on my notes that the anesthetist has to informed of my arrival at the labour ward....

thanks bunnykins :) xx

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