In spite of my obsessive optimal fetal positioning from 30 weeks, Maddie went back to back in the last couple of days. After 70 hours of labour (and 50 hours after my waters had broken) I was induced with the synthetic oxytocin drip - (you're on a bit of a stopwatch after your waters break due to risk of infection) and the oxytocin drip increases the strength of contractions.
Though I had been adamant that I wouldn't have an epi, after a few hours on the drip I felt I couldn't take any more without some relief!
UNFORTUNATELY - the epi didn't work AT ALL
and an hour after I'd had it I was asking the midwife when it would kick in!!
It was quite unpleasant having the drip put in when contractions were so intense and close together, so I really didn't want them to do it agian but was struggling to relax and so they gave me Pethadine (again was adamant I wouldn't have that as it passes through the placenta to baby etc).
The pethadine did nothing for the pain relief but did make me more relaxed between contractions.
So the Epi didn't work for me but on the up side, the 'pushing' phase went very well and Maddie was born happy (if a little sleepy) after an 80 hour labour, with no sign of distress from the excitement - and she was kind enough to slide out leaving only a minimal tear so no stiches required
With this baby, the main thing I'll do differently is have more of an
open mind and be more flexible on my 'plans' - at the end of the day you need to do whatever it takes to have a safe outcome. Every labour is so different and you have to be prepared to compromise on your plans if the labour requires it!
Hope I haven't put anyone off - too late now
The good news is, and as a testament to how quickly you forget the discomfort - I'm having another one and Maddie's not even a year old yet