

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2018
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Hello all. I’m currently 15 weeks with baby number 2. My first pregnancy was fine but I had a difficult labour and birth. My son got stuck and I was in the second stage of labour for almost 4 hours. As a result I had a third degree tear from the outside up to my cervix. This then didn’t heal correctly so I had to have 3 surgeries to repair it. It took 14 months to heal. Anyway, I am seeing a consultant to discuss my birth options but I know I don’t want a caesarean unless it’s an emergency. But I am feeling very anxious about the delivery and wondering if an epidural might help as at least if it does get stuck again or I tear badly, I won’t feel it. My last delivery was medication free and the pain of him being there for 4 hours was unreal.
So, I’m looking for stories, positive and negative, from those who have had an epidural. Would you recommend? Thanks
This is baby number 5 for me. I never had an epidural with any of them except I asked with number 4. Unfortunately they failed to get it in 3 times and I had an emergency section. But my sister in law pregnant at the same time an had an epidural no problems great delivery xxx
I had an epidural but it didn’t work. Took nothing away from the pain but meant I had to be all hooked onto a million monitors all the time. If I had my time again, I’d rather have stayed mobile as I think that would have helped him down the birth canal. I tore badly too and could feel EVERYTHING....although I think the contractions were more painful than the tearing at the time, the pain from that kicked in after.

If I were you, I wouldn’t rule it out but play it by ear. I think every birth is so different. I reckon I’m gonna sneeze and this one will pop out I’m such a patchwork down there!
I had an epidural with my first as I was induced and responded rather too well to the pessary so ended up with a very full on, very painful labour immediately. After about 7 hours I couldn't take any more and was so so tired. It worked very well to start with in that I was able to sleep (which was a godsend as I'd not slept for over 30 hours by then and it would be another 16 hours before my son arrived!). Unfortunately once it wore off it did not ever seem to work properly again. They tried to resite it a couple of times but never quite got it right. I'm convinced it was the fact I was laid up in bed, on my back, which meant my son got stuck and I ended up in theatre with a forceps delivery. I also had a lot of problems with headaches and visual disturbances afterwards, which again, I think is because of the issues with my epidural.
I'm really going to try and avoid it this time, I'd like to be far more active, NOT laid down the whole time, and I'm hoping that will mean a better experience all round.

As I'm sure you know though, it never quite goes to plan, and I'm just going to try and go with it. I also have a consultant midwife appointment to run through my worries, so I'm hoping this will help a bit.
I had a third degree with my first as well. My second was a completely different birth I chose a water one and it really helped. I ended up with a second degree but it was nothing compared to the third degree I healed within 2 weeks second time round x
I had an epidural and found it very helpful with the pain at the time but from my understanding you pretty much always have to have more intervention following an epidural as you then can't push as effectively so I then needed forceps which made recovery really painful xx
My story is very similar to Gemsy bar I was lucky enough not to require theatre. I tried to avoid an epidural for as long as possible (was v stubborn) but after 3 days of induced painful labour with only mins of sleep between contractions I gave in. Best decision ever! With this pregnancy I am again hoping for an active water birth but hey if Im in the same position I wouldnt be holding off like last time xx
I was induced with my son and ended up not having an epidural. My labour wasn't the best; I probably should have had the epidural.

This time I still don't want an epidural (if I end up with a vaginal birth) as I would rather have a water birth or if I can't get in the pool as my hospital only has one I want an active birth. I know my labour was probably awful because I was induced but the more I've read up on things this time around; in my head I put it down to me having to be on my back because of the drip. I wasn't very prepared with my last one and after having him I was adamant that actually I'd want to be induced with the next as well as the unknown terrified me.

Since I've learnt more about labour and birth I really don't want to be on my back giving birth and hence don't want an induction or an epidural. However I am also very aware that labour is unpredictable and that I may not get the active birth I'd like.
Thank you all for your replies. They’ve been really useful x

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