I had a 42 hour "back-to-back" (i.e. excruciating!) labour with my first baby, so was persuaded, after a day in labour, to try an epidural. They gave me it and also tried to top it up (or whatever they were doing - they tried 2 or 3 times to get it to work), but although I couldn't feel my legs at all, I could still feel every contraction. It was dreadful. All that pain and unable to move from the waist down. They didn't fit a catheter and I couldn't use the toilet and I think a full bladder probably held up my labour even more! I let it wear off and had the rest of my labour without it, thank you very much! This is supposedly a very rare occurence.
Most of the women in my family - aunties, cousins etc - have ALL had an epidural and loved it. They've been sitting up in bed, reading magazines or watching TV during their labour. If it works, it is the only form of TOTAL pain relief. It just doesn't work for me
Personally, I would never try another epidural. I would rather rely on TENS, water and gas & air. I think that as soon as you start letting them intervene and mess around with you - with things like syntocinon, epidural etc. then the more likely you are to receive more and more intervention - such as fetal scalp monitoring, episiotomy, forceps/ventouse and c-section etc.
I would rather try and manage as much as I could on my own and try to do things as naturally as possible. Saying that, this little rascal will probably be breech and I'll end up with the dreaded c-section! My cousin was the opposite - she dreaded natural birth and wanted her 2nd c-section. Everyone's different.
I would recommend you ask for an epidural on your birth plan (because you have to book it in advance usually) and then see how you go first with e.g. gas & air. Give yourself the option and keep an open mind during labour, because no-one knows how their labour is going to go.