End of Trimester 1!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Well ladies, thats me hit my 14 weeks! :) It has gone sooooo fast! I'm not going to take myself to Tri 2 until I have my scan on Wed, that way I can start to get really excited. Do you think its normal to feel so anxious about 1st scan? I'm worried but cant wait at the same time....wierd!!! xxx

congrats and yes it's normal to feel a mixture of excitement and nerves all the way through pregnancy :)
congratulations!! Yes Ihave my first scan on friday and I was just totally excited but as it gets closer Im worried. I have a stupid fear that Im not really pregnant and Ive made a mistake! unlikely seeing as I havent had AF since october!
Congratuations! I hope that you have a healthy 2nd trimester.
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i have just had my first scan and was the same as you, excited but scared too, i think everyone's like that really xxxxx
yeah for you, think its normal to be worried and excited at the same time about having a scan - you just want everything to be okay with babe.
Hi honey, congratulations, so very jealous that your first trimester flown by for you, mine dragged lol! Yes i think its perfectly normal to be worried, but you'll feel better once you've had it. Tiny that's exactly what i thought, crazyness x
I think I only slept about 4 hours before my scan. I was so worried about loads of things! At first I thought they would tell me that I wasnt pregnant at all and I just had wind! and then I was addiment that the baby was going to have 8 limbs!! All was well though. I hope your scan goes brilliantly, as Im sure it will! Good luck!!!
Thanks everyone, glad i'm not alone with all this silly worrying!!!! xxx
Congrats hun and hopefully still see you around.
Of course its normal to feel nervous about your 1st scan, i think I'll be nervous at all mine :)
Take care and all the best :dance:

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