

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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Has anyone heard from Emmylou?

Not seen her around since her last post about her pains?

Hope all is well :hug:
Hey babes :wave:

Sorry to have worried you - I've been away at my in laws all weekend as my wonderful OH turned 30 yesterday!!! Icouldn't get onto a computer - so frustrating I have to tell you - I have withdrawal symptoms from you lot!

Well I had no pains on Saturday & Sunday, we were visiting my OH's mum and she is a nurse so I asked her about it, and she thinks I have pulled something so I'm not too worried now - she said to just ask her first if I'm worried about bothering people - then gave me a lecture about how I must be careful, think of baby first and let Chris (OH) do the pestering if I don't want to! We had the doppler out and can hear baby loud and clear nice strong heartbeat and lots of kung fu fighting going on in there, also i have had a bit of a growth spurt this weekend, my body has stayed the same since my pic at 13w and well, when I get home I will take a pic of my tummy now - you'll be amazed!!

So sorry to have worried any of you, and next time I'll let you know where i'm going - thought I would be able to get on to say a quick hi on Saturday but no chance - its been a busy weekend!

Love to all, hope everyone is okay - I'm off to try to catch up on whats been happening :hug: :hug: :hug:
glad to hear all is ok and a belated happy 30th to your OH :cheer:

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