'ello :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
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Hello!!! My name is Effie... from Arizona. My husband and I have been together for 3 years and just got married in March this year :) Our wedding reception will be in October 2012. Even though I will have to fit into a dress in October, we have been TTC since March. My hubby got a Vasectomy Reversal in April of this year. He sadly got a vasectomy from a previous marriage at 25 yo but we finally saved up enough to get him "unfixed" LOL. :) Happy happy Joy joy!!! :-D :dance:
a little about me and why I'm here....
I had miscarried back in 2007 after TTC for a year when married to my ex husband(blessing in disguise) and have been DYING to have a baby ever since! Needless to say its been very trying to wait the last 5 years to try again. But as the saying goes.... The best things in life are worth waiting for. :) Since I have so much anxiety about getting pregnant and am nervous about another MC, I feel as though a forum would be the best way to talk about and discuss anything related to TTC and could use a little support. :) I look forward to speaking with you all. :)
Welcome to the forum x
Hi! :wave:
Welcome to PF & Good luck with TTC :D xx
Hello and welcome to PF. Good luck in TTC, my friends have been trying after a reversal for sometime now, hope you get better luck xx
Hello and welcome to PF. Good luck in TTC, my friends have been trying after a reversal for sometime now, hope you get better luck xx

I hope so too!!! Do you know if he had good sperm counts after the reversal? How long have they been trying?
Hello and welcome to PF. Good luck in TTC, my friends have been trying after a reversal for sometime now, hope you get better luck xx

I hope so too!!! Do you know if he had good sperm counts after the reversal? How long have they been trying?

I think they've been trying for about 9 months now, however he's a bit of an idiot and won't go and get tested, I lost my cool with him about it, because I don't think it's fair on his wife to go through it not knowing if its him or if somethings happened with her since her last pregnancy.

Are things all ok with your OH?
Hello and welcome to PF. Good luck in TTC, my friends have been trying after a reversal for sometime now, hope you get better luck xx

I hope so too!!! Do you know if he had good sperm counts after the reversal? How long have they been trying?

I think they've been trying for about 9 months now, howeve
r he's a bit of an idiot and won't go and get tested, I lost my cool with him about it, because I don't think it's fair on his wife to go through it not knowing if its him or if somethings happened with her since her last pregnancy

Are things all ok with your OH?

I would be pretty upset if I were her as well. Did he get tested ever? I know they are supposed to go back every 3 months after surgery to test because their sperm count can decrease if it starts to close up. My OH is good so far. The count is much better than most are right after surgery so that is promising. :) we go back for his 2nd check up on Monday. I look forward to hearing the results! ;)
Hello and welcome to PF. Good luck in TTC, my friends have been trying after a reversal for sometime now, hope you get better luck xx

I hope so too!!! Do you know if he had good sperm counts after the reversal? How long have they been trying?

I think they've been trying for about 9 months now, howeve
r he's a bit of an idiot and won't go and get tested, I lost my cool with him about it, because I don't think it's fair on his wife to go through it not knowing if its him or if somethings happened with her since her last pregnancy

Are things all ok with your OH?

I would be pretty upset if I were her as well. Did he get tested ever? I know they are supposed to go back every 3 months after surgery to test because their sperm count can decrease if it starts to close up. My OH is good so far. The count is much better than most are right after surgery so that is promising. :) we go back for his 2nd check up on Monday. I look forward to hearing the results! ;)

No my friend never got checked, so when I've had my 12 scan and am ready to tell people, I will make another go at having a go at him to do it. His wife is one of the people I am really conscious of telling. We're not that close but I know how the 'I'm pregnant, I'm so happy' announcement of Facebook feels, and I don't want anyone to feel like that, I want them to feel as happy and excited as I do now :)
I can't believe your friend doesn't want to know the results. After all, he went through the tough part of getting the surgery already. LOL
Congratulations to you btw. :) I can't wait till my day comes too. :)
Hi and welcome to the forum, good luck on your TTC journey xx
Hi :) Welcome to the forum!
Hope you enjoy your journey :) You'll get lots of support form us ladies!! :)
Look forward to hearing more from you! xxx

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