Elective cesarean


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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Hi everyone. Baby no 3 is due in January so I know im a bit early asking. I had emergency cesarean with my first due to failure to progress and foetal distress, i had polyhydramnious with him and I was HUGE.

I opted for VBAC with number 2, again had polyhydramnious, she got distressed and pooed in me so they whisked me down to theatre. Untill i got to theatre they hadnt realised my scar had torn. It was all very scary and upsetting but she was delivered safely.

So, I've asked my midwide if I've any chance of delivery naturally which she doesn't think I have, which I have accepted. So I'm seeing a consultant to discuss my delivery which is 99.9% going to be an elective. So I'm wondering with elective do they deliver early? On your due date? Is iy still as scary? Can you come home same day?

I think im more scared about delivering this baby than my other 2!

Thanks for reading xx
Oh my goodness your second birth experience must've been traumatic!

Obviously I can't speak from experience, but I believe you go early with planned c-sections. Exactly when will depend on your body and how baby is doing. I don't think your situation would be considered "elective" though, surely it's very dangerous to attempt a vaginal birth after what happened last time?? They'll probably make a decision about the date much further down the line, based on how you and baby progress. As for time needed in hospital I don't imagine it would be any different from an emergency c-section, it's the same surgery after all. Hopefully someone with experience in this can come along.
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I'm also having an elective c-section after two emergency c-secs. Here (Oxfordshire) they do them at 39 weeks and the minimum stay is 24 hours. First time I had my daughter at lunch time on Wednesday and went home on the Saturday - failure to progress, didn't get past 5cm dialated, and there was significant meconium in my waters. During the surgery I also had a post partum haemorrhage and needed a blood transfusion.

Second time I had my daughter on Thursday night and went home on the Sunday - failure to progress again, didn't get last 6cm and my contractions stopped which was a sign of uterine ruprture. Significant meconium in my waters again. The second one was a much better experience than the first - radio playing and as soon as they'd checked the baby over I had skin to skin with her while they stitched me up.

From everything I've read, an elective is much more relaxed and calm than an emergency. It's worth writing a c-sec birth plan, Google gentle or natural caesarean for some ideas. Ask if you can have music playing in theatre. We had the radio on but if we'd been prepared I could have had my own cd.

My midwife totally agreed with me wanting an elective this time, and I've already had a letter through with a date to discuss with consultant. Last week time it was my choice whether to have an elective or try VBAC, I decided to try VBAC and it ended in c-sec anyway. I don't think there's any point even trying this time!
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I've heard it varies, my SIL just had an elective due to having hip issues and she was 39 weeks, I've heard people having them from. 38 weeks though
It seems there is a mixture of what they do depending on what part of the country you're in. I hated every part of being in hospital afterwards last time. I just wanted to be at home. Ideally I'd like to go as close to my due date as possible. But ill do what im told!
No 1 was born at 40+2 (went into labour on my due date) and no 2 was born at 39+4, so I am slightly concerned this one will try and come before my c-sec date! My midwife gave me a leaflet about caesareans at my hospital, ask your midwife if she has something similar? I think they do it at 39 weeks so that there's less chance of you going in to labour spontaneously, but they don't like to do it before then as the baby's lungs aren't mature enough.
Hi I had a elective 10 weeks ago. It was 5 days before my due date , my hospital only do electives at 39 weeks ,I had a choice of 3 days but i picked the one that was not close to my due date as I was really worried about going into labour and having a emergency c section . Everything went really well I had a healthy girl weighing 6lb 10oz she was born at 4.15 in the afternoon on the Tuesday and we was out 24 hours the next day , as long as you and baby are okay my hospital wants you out at 24 hours .
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