Elective Caesarean


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2006
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I just found out that celebrities or the rich, have a tummy tuck done at the same time as an elective caesarean. So that's how they all look so slim the day after giving birth!

What I want to know is, would any of you choose this form of child birth if you had the money for it?

I would :twisted:
I'd never choose to have a major operation. I had an emergency c section with my son and to be honest I was gutted, I felt I'd missed out on the whole process of giving birth and I didn't even get to hold my son until a few hours after he was born. I'd imagined the midwife giving me my baby straight away but I couldn't hold him and that was really upsetting. I'm trying to wait at least 2 years before I have another child in the hope that I can go natural. Couldn't give a damn about the weight. :D
no way!! i think its ridiculous. Why would you want to have un needed surgery???? While other people are dying cause they need surgery and arnt rich the surgeons are all preoccupied doing an elective c section and a tummy tuck :evil:

fair enough some people choose to have c sections for good reasons, i.e phobias etc but they dont have them just to have a tummy tuck aswell...i mean is that all celebs care about making sure they are thin rather than just thinking about their child!!!!
no way!

i like being able to walk out of hospital 6 hours after birth if i want and drive and do all the normal things.

i don't believe the celebs have a tunmmy tuck done after a C section either. Its a different op and im sure no surgeon would do it after a C Section.

Where did you hear this.
They do budge i have read about it aswell mate..its sick isnt it !!! :evil: I cant beileve anyone would be so vain!
for a tummy tuck the surgeon would have to mark out which bits need to be cut away etc. i wouldn't have thought a tummy tuck would be able to be performed until the pregnancy tummy had settled down a little. Maybe 6 weeks or so. Otherwise they risk making the skin to tight/loose. :think:
Yeah well celebs dont care and as long as they hand over enough money surgeons dont really care either...its wrong..but they do do it from what i have also read and heard :puke: I see you're point though..may just be a myth?

Who would ever want to do it anyway!!! :lol:
its disgusting.

putting your own vanity beofre your new born child is just not right at all.
Actually you can have a tummy tuck at the same time as a C section in the private hospital here in Hungary where im giving birth. They told us about it when we went for a our first visit lol, it costs £800 on top of the price of the C section (about £2000)

I wouldnt do it but i did wonder at the time who actually would!
My Mum is a maternity nurse and this definitely happens! She has worked at the Portland while doing agency nursing and women do have elective sections at 8 months so they don't get too big and stretchmarks and have a tummy tuck! These are not reccommended though as they can hamper your recovery.

I'm having a section due to a genuine phobia and was worried about what others think of me but I have decided that doesn't matter! Actually noone has said anything negative to me yet! I actually know that it is going to be much harder to get my stomache looking reasonable again after the surgery compared to a natural birth but for me this is the way to go :D
mm well im amazed. Well i suppose its not really surprising :think:
budge said:
no way!

i like being able to walk out of hospital 6 hours after birth if i want and drive and do all the normal things.

YOU NEVER??? :shock:

I really hope I get that experience this time. :pray:
i didnt have the choice of puttin myself up for my c section - they had to do it cos Jamie was goin abit doolally when i couldnt get him out myself!

iv only got a bit of a mummy tummy now, its more the stretchmarks that r botherin me so im slatherin cocoa butter on like a second skin!
Mummy Kay, sorry if its too personal but do you have a overhang where the scar is? My friend said this is unavoidable but she never exercises so I am hoping I will be able to get rid of this eventually :D
Miracle babe said:
budge said:
no way!

i like being able to walk out of hospital 6 hours after birth if i want and drive and do all the normal things.

YOU NEVER??? :shock:

I really hope I get that experience this time. :pray:

no ive never :rotfl: i always stay in one night. But i could have if i had wanted to. anyone can who has had a normal delivery miracle babe. :D
skatty - its only a bout an inch of overhang iv got - my partners aunty had a really bad overhang after she had her baby tho!

am hopin itl firm up in time but tbh im so busy with the baby i dont fuss over that - i just make sure iv got makeup on lol! :rotfl:
Celebrities are under so much pressure to be thin they will regularly add a month or so onto their pregnancy so they can deliver early and avoid that last minute weight gain.

If they are getting back into their size 8 jeans (I'm still in mateernity ones :oops: )within a week I reckon they MUST start dieting whilst still pregnant.

Do what you gotta do when you're on the operating table (tucks etc) if you can afford it, but these things affect the health of your baby and that's disgusting :x
I have never heard of babies dying, or even bad health as a result of elective c-section + tummy tuck surgery. But I'm sure someone will point it out to me quick! Of course the hospitals and surgeons who provide this service are not going to do it if the child would be at risk! And neither would any mother, I would hope. Obviously if its too risky, it cant be done.

I would get the plastic surgery if I could afford it, then after I breast fed my baby for about 6 months I would get a boob job too! My boobs need to be put back to where they belong, rather than resting on my knee caps.

But I'm just dreaming .. can't afford it anyway. So its all natural birthing for me, all the pain during childbirth and remaining flubber afterwards! Doesn't matter on the day though really. When you're holding the new healthy babe.
If I have a overhang I would have a tummy tuck if I could affford it :lol:
nout wrong with tummy tucks, just when you use childbirth as an excuse to save time and have one then! There is no way you could have 2 major operations in one and then be fit enough as quickly as you normally would to look after you're baby ... And surgeons obviously would do it at a dangerous stage if they do it for celebs at 8 months so they dont get too big!!!! Before a child may be fully developed..thats disgusting...people in this world have to go along with worry when they have a preemie and then you get people opting for it for the sake of their looks!

Just my 2 pence, but i think its completely thoughtless...this is a child thats whats important!

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