Eek, OH's become really positive :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Few weeks/months ago, OH was a bit hesitant about most 'long term' things but last night he pretty much said that, yes, in future we will get married and have babies :dance:

It's our one year together in just over three weeks (we're going to Centre Parcs) and his best friend and one of his Sisters have both had babies in the last three weeks (2nd baby for both couples) so I think all the cuddles with his new Nephew have 'set him off' :D

Think the fact that I had a little *Am I pregnant?!* moment last month got him thinking. Knowing that I got a bit upset when I wasn't, obviously hit him a bit.

He also said he'd had a dream that we had a baby Girl :shock: I'm the psychic one!!! lol I've been expecting a boy first for *years*!!

Roll on 2011 :yay:
An then this evening I got back from a friend's house and he was moaning about how my spare room would be too small for a baby! WTF!? it's bigger than the room I grew up lol!!!
ooooh sounds like he's in serious baby mode...... maybe he does not want to wait....!!
We kinda have to wait though, just a bit longer lol, both of us have debts to get sorted, and I'm hoping to change jobs first :)

This however hasn't stopped me checking baby clothes when ever I go rummaging in my local Charity Shops...
I'm impressed at you being so sensible! Best to sort yourself out financially so you are ready for a baby. Don't make up excuses after excuses why not to get pregnant (I did that for ages and used money as an excuse all the time). Babies dont actually cost that much especially if you can get stuff from friends, its the not working bit and childcare that is the nightmare unless you have support of family who can look after your bundle while you work. They start getting more expensive when at school when they start a social life that is better than yours!!
Though as changes are afoot again at work, and I've been looking for a new job for over a year with no luck (so far!) I think I may just say sod it and get pregnant and know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel lol.
Though as changes are afoot again at work, and I've been looking for a new job for over a year with no luck (so far!) I think I may just say sod it and get pregnant and know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel lol.

A friend of ours whos wife had their first baby 10 months ago, has said to us that they kept saying, 'we will wait until we have more money' etc but said to us- there is never a *Right* time to have a baby.
So I wouldnt hold out for too long! :whistle:
My hubby and I have always said we would wait until we pay our debt off, wait till I am off medication and back at work etc... alwayts finding an excuse BUT a couple of nights ago after a day at our friends babies Christening we had a good chat about how there will never be a *Right* time and that if we can get on the right road in terms of finances that in 6 months I will have my implant removed then wait a few months for me to get my cycle back uner control then we will think about starting to try!!!!!!!!!
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Yeah, one way or another I think I'll be at the very least pregnant by this time next year....

Another nice lil thing is that 'cos his mate and his wife use re-usable nappies, OH is already familiar with and happy to try using them! Battle's half won already lol
Yeah, one way or another I think I'll be at the very least pregnant by this time next year....

Another nice lil thing is that 'cos his mate and his wife use re-usable nappies, OH is already familiar with and happy to try using them! Battle's half won already lol

And we just spent our entire dinner discussing Girls names..... lol
That it will have Mae as a middle name, for both my Great Aunt who passed recently and his Nanna who both had May as their middle names.

The only first name we both think is ok is Alyssa, but I'm not sure about it. Good thing we're not actually pregnant huh? lol

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