Ebay cheapies


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm hoping all the POAS addicts can help me here!!!

As we're officially off the pill (scary thought) and i'm paranoid enough as it is, i imagine i'm gonna be doing a lot of POAS in the near future. Now the only reason i havn't done it already this week (obviously i have every pregnancy symptom under the sun :roll: as you do when your worried) is because it costs too much, so.....

I want some ebay cheapies, and i want advice form the experts :wink: on which ones to get as obviously i want accurate ones.
Babymad's cheapies are not bad apparently and lots of girls had their BFP using them. Their OPK are crap and only show a faint line but that's all you need on a pregnancy test and they do a good deal on ebay. Good luck :hug:
I use babymad opk's and have found them to be really good with figuring out my cycle....and they're v cheap, you can get 50 for £10 off ebay! They also do mixtures of opk and hpt too, which you don't get in the shops. Clearblue are very good but expensive.
Yep, I use Babymad's mixture pack of opk and hpts and they've been great. The opk worked just fine and I got my first faint positive on a hpt toay :D
I also use babymad and find the OPks are great.
I used babymad last month and the opk's didn't seem to work, I only got very faint lines on them and it drove me round the twist. The cheapie pg tests have given faint evap lines to a couple of ladies lately so if using them I'd say get a dearer one like clearblue or 1st response to follow it up.

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