Early scans/private scans


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I would love one of these but as I luckily (touch wood) have not had any bleeding or cramps I'll have to wait until my 11+3 week scan. It just feels a very long time to wait.

I did look into a private early scan but the cheapest I could find in the London area is £90 and DH said no because we are moving next month and can't really afford it. It's just a shame I can't find one for around £50 because I'd definitely do that.

DH has a very sensible head and said that the outcome will be the same whether we have a private scan at 7/8 weeks and then the 11 week scan or just the 11 week scan.

I know he is right but I just want to see the little bean on a screen and know that he/she is ok and growing properly.
He's right hun. I did have an early private scan but we can get them for £65 up here. You dont have a birthday or anything coming up that maybe parents might put some money towards if you really want one?
Nope, I'm a December baby and so Birthday present is out. I'd have got one for our Anniversary but that is in early April which is when we'll be having our 11/12 week scan anyway.

I think I just want one because it seems like everyone else on here is having one :lol:

Never mind- only 5 weeks to go- am sure it will fly by! :)
It'll be here before you know it and although it's reassuring to see a HB on an early scan, there's very little else to see. The difference at 11/12 wks is incredible! It's a proper little baby jumping and waving on the screen. :)
I can't wait to see that - it will be such a magical experience!
do you have your scan date yet? i just got mine i will be over 13wks when i have it bit gutted coz i have 2 wait a big longer
I really wanted an early scan but we decided to wait for the 12 week scan as weren't having any problems and decided too expensive. I know hard to wait but will come round before you know it!

I was lucky that a friend had a doppler I could use so at about 8 weeks I heard the baby's heart beat. This really reassured me that everything was ok and I did have a healthy baby in there!
Hi Annie, I had a private early scan on sunday my DH and I agreed it was a valentines present to each other. We paid £99 and it was very reassuring to see the baby and also hear and see the heartbeat. We agreed that waiting until 3rd March (when my 13 week scan on nhs is) was too long.

Also i suffered an ectopic pregnancy before i had my daughter so my reasons we about reassuring myself the baby was in the right place (and it was) :)

If you have the money i'd say great do it, but to be honest they wont do anything extra so its just as good as the 13 weeks scan on nhs :thumbup:
I would deffiantly wait until your scan date you've got 5 weeks to go and your doing really well of waiting for so long which is hard i know because i mc before having this baby i had to wait to get to 13 weeks to see bubs on screen i was 12 weeks when i lost the other bbay so that was terryfying but i realise now i worried for no reason, i wasnt bleeding or cramping with this one which means something is going right :) chin up relax and try and take your mind off it an find something to do, hopefully the weeks will fly by x
You're right - so far I've had a very smooth time of it and fingers and toes crossed that will continue. x
I looked up private scans. Found one for £50 in Kent. Going to try and get early one on nhs as quite possibly twins and my partners family have had alot of difficulty with twins. If can't get nhs, will prob have private x x
Yay, we're going to book one of these for 9 weeks :) Thanks so much for the recommendation!

Am excited that DVDs and photos are included!

Hope they can fit us in!
Thats great! Let me know how u get on there & I'll let u know if I go any earlier x x

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