dummies reduce risk of cot death

I read some stuff on this a while ago. I now happily put dylan down with a dummy and he always spits in out after a while
I heard sonething about this on the news just after Leah was born.
ooooo and to think i didn want to give madam a dummy to start with.....

quite glad i caved now :D
i wasnt gonna give her 1 but they do come in handy for alot of things lol
Apparently the risk is ONLY because the dummy stops the blanket from going to close to thier nose and mouth, and if the dummy falls out of their mouth the risk is increased! So the one night you forget to put the dummy in your baby is more at risk!
so they are still at risk if dummy falls out? my nephews always falls out whe he is asleep. reanna never had a dummy but i also didnt use blankets i used the sleep bag things, they are great.

I didn't give Kieran a dummy so this ones not having one either!!! They are always changing their minds about whats good and bad for babys and pregnant women :roll:
Charlotte & Emily said:
emily wont have a dummy
shes a thumb sucker :lol:

i use grobags, much better :D

I used to suck my thumb and pushed my teeth out so i needed a head brace :shock: I looked a right minger!!!
I heard it was because babies who have dummies don't fall into a deep sleep therefor don't forget to breathe. Why would having a dummy stop the blankets covering their nose and mouth?
Probably because they would be chewing on the dummy rather than pulling the blankets up over their face to chew on them?
yeah i heard it was 2 help them breathe rather than 4getting? aha
gingerpig said:
Probably because they would be chewing on the dummy rather than pulling the blankets up over their face to chew on them?
so true... never thought of that :D
Dummies, he said, usually have a bulky external handle, which could make sure that air reaches the nose or mouth when the baby’s face is buried by bedclothes.

Sucking on a dummy might also help to develop the nerves that control the upper airway, he said.

The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths responded to the study by advising parents that if their baby is using a dummy regularly they should continue to do so.

“That is because two research studies published since 2000 showed that babies who usually use a dummy but then stop are at increased risk of cot death on the night they don’t use it,” the foundation said in a statement.

Taken from here

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