Due date!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
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So! Today is my due date. :D YAY!!!!!!!!!!

The real question though, is sweep or no sweep?

My midwife said at my 38 + 5 week appointment that I could have a sweep at my appointment this afternoon if I want.
I've been getting niggles all afternoon, but nothing particularly painful or consistent.

My Mum thinks I should leave things be and see if he gets a shift on himself...

I'm swithering, because I'd like to know if I'm dilated at all, and if I'm still waiting around next Friday and haven't had it done, I'll be cursing...

What do you guys think? Should I leave him be to get a shift on himself? Or do I get the due date sweep and find out what's going on down there??

get the sweep, it cant hurt after all. i would jump at the offer now if it was made to me lol. tho i think i will be offered one on thursday next week at my app
I'm with bev I'd def get sweep done it can't do no harm :) x
:yay: happy due date!!! I'm with the others - do a sweep! I'm also curious to see if you're dilated or not...lol!!!

Happy due date ! I have a sweep booked for my due date next Tuesday.
Mine won't give me a sweep till 41 weeks !! I'd gave one now if I could lol x
yay happy due date hun. I would have the sweep it won't do any harm and you'll be wondering otherwise. x
Personally I'd get a sweep or at least an exam, but then patience is not one of my many virtues lol xxxxxxxx
Happy dd!!!

I'm with the girls. Have the sweep. If ur getting niggles he must be trying and this will just speed up the process. U never know, it may not be possible to do it (they tried to do one for me at 41 weeks but I wasn't favourable) so worth a go!
Happy Due Date!!
They can check if you are dilated without giving you a sweep, I was checked + then offered a sweep whilst she was there. My first sweep didn't work but maybe my second one three days later did as I had LO next day xxx
Happy due date i would get the sweep the first is less likely to be sucsesful so it will make the one at 41 weeks more likely work if nothinh else my midwife wont do it until 41 weeks even though at anti natle they said we would get offred one on due date xxx
Happy due date hope LO doesn't leave you waiting too long!

I'd definitely have the sweep! I will be asking for one if I'm not offered it!
hi hun, congrats on getting to your due date, i'm withe the girls ask for an exam fiorst and then if possible have a sweep cant do any harm with trying to speed things up x

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