due date

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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its finally ere.. don't know whether to feel happy or sad.. happy because its finally here or sad because there still isnt a sign of my bubs.. but hey I'm booked in for a sweep for tomoro morning with mw hoping that works, trying to be positive.. have had a lot of ppl call up asking about what's happening.. feel super deflated :'(
Not too much longer to wait now!!

Lots and lots of good luck for when it happens.

How long do they make you wait after your due date before they induce you? Is it still 9 days? If so that means baby will defo be here in the next fortnight!!

Happy due date , hope its not much longer xxxx
Happy Due Date!!

Really hope your sweep kicks things off for you tomorrow! :) xx
Happy due date to you! Don't deel down, your bubs will be here before you know it, hopefully the sweep will get you going x
thanks ladies, I really hope it does work tomoro morning, I'm abit scared lol bit so ready to POP :)
Yay! Happy due date to you! Hope your sweep kicks things off. I had a sweep at 39 weeks which gave me cramping, but my LO wasn't ready! Having another on Tuesday (my due date! :) ) and hoping that will get it going! Have you had any niggles? Strong braxton hicks?

Hope we're both on our way very soon! xxx

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