Due date moved forward (17/08/09) + Scan Pic


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Jan 3, 2009
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I'm so glad your scan went well, that's a lovely picture.
Your baby looks like they're sitting in a smiley cat face.
hehehe it does look like a smily cat face, my womb is a cat face! Hopefully that can only be a good thing. The scan did go well, we were in there for 45 minutes whilst they took measurements and all that. I went in for the test in which they evaluate your chances of Down's Syndrome (I really can't remember the name of the test but it begins with 'N') and because the baby was too small they spent ages trying to do it before deciding to book me in for another test.

The sonograph woman was lovely as well, a really lovely experience. I couldn't have imagined how it would feel.

I am officially PREGNANT!!!!

Thanks for your kind replies, hopefully I will be able to respond to the other threads soon xxx
Too small? What a pain! I reckon I'll be 11 weeks at my scan (they say 12) and it's going to be a nuchal one too, so maybe that'll be the same for me. Bummer but nice you get to have another scan lol! Plus all that lovely extra scan time, I can't believe how people are saying they were only in there for like 2 minutes or something!
Exactly what my hubby just said - 'it's a cat!'

Lovely pic hun - congrats :hug:
awww! thats a great scan pic! and yay we get to keep u for nearly another 2 weeks! my due date got moved forward ten days with millie, i'm warning you when i got past my ORIGINAL due date, i felt like i was overdue! those days really dragged! but hey, more time to enjoy baby kicks :hug: ooh congrats! xx
we got the same EDD! glad it went well and u jammy thing getting another scan in a few weeks :hug:

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