Crosshouse in Kilmarnock, you? I am originally from the Clydebank area but now live in North Ayrshire.
Is this your first baby then? Its my first and I'm sure I'll have a lot of questions as time goes on. This forum is great for advice though as there are so many of us that are going through the same things. I am still suffering from nausea and have a bad cold at the moment too!
Aww sorry your still feeling rubbish, but in a way im kinda glad coz i thought i was the only odd one with a cold in this weather
I've still been getting sickness too but its not nearly as bad.
Nah i've got a wee girl age 6 so i've been through it before, but when it comes to the second, its just as scary and is a whole different set of worries than last time, especially given the fact every pregnancy/labour is different.
I live in the east end so i'm booked into the princess royal.
Woops sorry! Didn't see your wee ticker thingie or I'd have known you had a daughter, I blame the cold...
I understand how having your second would still be scary, you have so much more to worry about, knowing whats coming, that I probably wouldn't even think of! x
Thats ok. We can still be due date buddies, just need people in general who are gonna be about the forum and due on the same date as me...coz i'll be posting like a mad woman asking all the questions under the sun!
I have been so lucky I have had no sickness at all and all my energy has come back now. I still wonder if I am actually pregnant!! how have you been feeling? x
Halloween would be cool, think of all the fun parties the LO could have! we would never struggle on a theme!
I had sickness for months, started going away around 11 weeks. Also had very sore boobs for weeks and thats gone. More or less every symptom I had is away, apart from feeling drained all the time. And I get more round ligament pain nowadays too.
Not sure about the halloween thing. I said to my oh that if baby was late it would be here on that day and my wee one said....i hope it doesn't get scared with all the scarey masks on the day its born loool bless.
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