Dryburn aka Durham University Hospital


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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Does anyone know what dryburn aka durham university hospital is like as in maternity wise?

Im booked in to have our baby there as the only other option I have is the RVI in newcastle and that is too far from home.

The only experience I have had of dryburn is the a&e department from family emergencies and have been less than impressed due to the lack of care and information.

Any info would be gratefully received as I am really hospital phobic. Thanks.
I had my LO at Sunderland Royal so no experience personally, but my boss opted to have her little girl at Dryburn rather than Sunderland as she was more impressed on a tour and she didn't have a bad word to say about it.
Dryburn is OK so I've been told, but at Sunderland you get your own room from start to leaving. At dryburn your on a labour ward, then delivery room then ward after baby. I'd hate to share a ward after delivery, imagine settling your own baby only to be woken up by other babies.

I don't rate dryburn for anything really, I've had a few bad experiences there from a&e to being in a ward but I've never used there maternity facilities xx
My sister just had a baby there.
The one thing that did bother her is exactly what Toon pointed out, on the ward once she fed and settled her baby he would be woken again by other babies. It was 4 to a ward, so not much sleep to be had.
As a visitor I found it clean and friendly. Personally I like their visiting times too 1 hr twice a day :) Not too long.
Hey there,

Im having our baby there too. My sis had her baby there a year and a half ago and i havent heard her say anything bad about it... When are you due hun? xx

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