Driving position and the bump ...... ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Ive just noticed that my bump is getting rather close to my steering wheel now.
I'm only 5ft tall and cant put my chair back any more but there is probably only an inch between the bump and the bottom of the steering wheel - soon it'll be even closer and i'm a little worried about the airbag if i have an accident (i do a lot of driving for my job)

Anyone else having this trouble or have any idea's that may help ? Maybe a cushion ?

(edited as i just noticed i said my bum is getting closer to the steering wheel - oops :oops: )
I know they recommend a certain distance between you and the steering wheel and also to angle it towards the chest area rather than bump :)
Hmm sounds a bit tricky to me. I doubt a cushion would be safe tbh as if you brake etc it could cause you to slide or some such.

Do you at least have a bump belt in place to use? I found it so much more comfy and felt safer knowing I didn't have a seatbelt cutting in to my bump.

Can you not adjust the steering wheel at all? Most newer cars have that option.
yes the wheel can be adjusted and i have set it at the highest setting tilted towards my chest slightly, but its not so good as i'm short - I dont find the belt a problem at all really

However my travelling is getting less and less now so i suppose that can only be a good thing ? :?
That is so spooky I was just saying to my son when taking him to football how my bump is getting very close to the steering wheel. I too am only 5ft and also do a lot of driving for my job. I have a tilt button on my chair which my son (age 9) reminded me of and told me to tilt my chair which I did and it gave me more room.
I am only 15 +5 (I think, midwives keep changing it) but as this is my 3rd I have found I have got big real fast but I am not over weight. I am worried about when I get to 20 plus weeks.

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