My agonising over nursery place, well, I've come round. They called earlier and he can start next week. Monday afternoon and Friday morning. So OH, Galen and I are going to visit Monday for half an hour - an hour so OH can see it and Galen can spend time there. Then he'll go Friday morning and I'll stay a while (most of it) and nip to the supermarket for half an hour and see how he goes.
Also the last two nights I feel like a new woman. OH got up when LO woke around midnight and sat up with him for almost 2 hours both nights LO wasn't looking for food or anything, just awake. He settled both times around 2am with no fuss and slept through then till 7-8am!
I worried about his night feeds but OH said to look at the 24 hours as starting from bedtime and that if he was hungry hopefully he'd feed in the day. Which he has been doing more again the past few days, so seemed like a good time to try going for better night sleeping. It may not last but I am taking the 6 hours kip unbroken and loving it