

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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My husband thinks this is highly amusing but I am finding it quite embarrasing. At night I am dribbling while I sleep! Not just a little bit either, enough to make my pillow soaking wet! It's truly nasty.

Am I alone on this one or does anyone else suffer this affliction?! :?
i dribble all the time and not only when im asleep lol,
im the same hun ive been dribbling alot latley and my pillow is so wet that i think something has been spelt on it

Yup me too i wake up and switch the pillow over :oops:
I started this 2 weeks before I had LO. Good news is it stops after birth :lol:
Me :oops: I had a wet pillow the other night & DH asked if I'd been crying :oops: No!! Dribbling.....eek! (Eugh!)
yep im the same and it happens before i have even nodded off so i have to turn pillow over. :roll:
OMG! I did that in my third trimester but I thought it was just me being a bit weird! It's definitely stopped now!
How funny! I never thought it could be pregnancy related!
me too probably in the last week or so more though oops:
lol i was just talking about this the other day with my SIL. She asked if i had an increase, or dribbled, and i said yeah i've noticed it more now i'm pregnant and she said she had the same too, and still has it now. Her baby is 5 weeks.

Funny things pregnancy does to your body.
kirlykird said:
me too probably in the last week or so more though oops:

me to. I thought it was cause of cold but clearly not and its pregnancy realated - how strange
That's so funny, it actually started with me a week or so ago, but didn;t really think about it much until now, glad it's not just me being dribbly heehee How strange, wonder why it happens :think:

I wonder why all these wierd things happen to us them men get off way too easy
hehe, so glad I'm not the only one! Its horrible isn't it? :shock:

I hope it goes away after the birth!
I dribble in my sleep all the time - pre pregnancy too! However, I have noticed an increase in amounts of drool since being pregnant!

If it's not my mouth dribbling, it's my boobs leaking! Gee whizz, it's not very glam, is it?

Valentine xxx
I fell asleep curled round LO and dribbled on his head :rotfl:

I think it might be the hormones cause it but it does stop a few days after birth
Thank god its not just me - I started about a week ago and keep waking up to a wet pillow. Never had this before. What a bizarre symptom - I wonder why?
I have noticed this too. Sometimes I have to turn the pillow over during the night coz it's wet. :shock:

Maybe it's because our noses get stuffed up so it's harder to breathe through them at night :think:
This is all so bizzare! I have just started doing this too!
Noticed it at the weekend, it seems to be worst just as i am drifting off to sleep
does anyone else get a numb jaw as well? It seems i have to lay so far onto my side lots of weight ends up on my head, cant wait to be able to lay on my front or back, even if it is only for 2 hour intevals!
Yes, I'm dribbling more now than pre-pregnancy, but I put that down to me now sleeping on my side, whereas before I used to only sleep on my back.

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