Dreams about babies sex


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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Is it just me? I have had 3 of these in the past week, and in every one, the baby is a girl!! He is definitely a boy. I know they say the scan isn't 100%, but even the sonographer said she was sure, there was no missing it, if you know what I mean! :wink:

Last weeks dream was soooo vivid. I had a 13 hour labour, on my own, with no hubbie! The baby was delivered, they said it was a boy, wrapped the baby in a towel and passed it to me. The awful thing is the baby was really ugly, and I know that all babies are beautiful. Then I had realised a while later that the baby didn't have a nappy on yet. So I went to put one on and discovered that she was a girl!! I went mad at the staff becuase they had made a mistake and said that I didn't want her! :shock: :oops: Then I looked at her face, and she had become a really beautiful baby, and I suddenly wanted to keep her. Then DH turned up, and I had to tell him that the son he really wanted was actually a daughter, and he didn't bat an eyelid and said that it really didn't matter as she was his baby, and he didn't care. Then I felt so guilty as I hadn't wanted the baby!! I have been up for 3 hours now, and still have the feeling of guilt of how I felt to my baby, even though it was only a dream.

Please tell me I'm not going mad!
hi hun your not going mad!!!1

Theysaywhen your dreaming that your only in a very light sleep and your mind is still ticking away so you mustbe thinking loads about your baby when your just nodding off to sleep.

I always thought that when you dream you would be in a very deep sleep but aparantky your dreams only last a few seconds i know its weird because they do seem so real sometimes and as if its been going on all nite...lol

Im sure whatever the sex of your baby wether it is boy or girl im sure you and your hubby will be overthe moon with.

Take care and good luck with the rest of your pregnancy

Jean & girls
haha, i had the same dream about two nights ago, i even got it stuck in my head all the next day that i was carrying a girl not a boy.

my scan were also 100% i saw his winky myself!! haha .... but everytime some one says hows your boy doing, i keep thinking that are wrong !!!

strange! xxx
Maybe the dream represents you are feeling a little unsure and unsettled about delivery?

I dreamt last night I was expected to perform in two plays (I do a bit of amateur acting) and I hadn't learnt my lines and had to take the script on stage. I know I was thinking about sorting parenting classes and was panicking about premature labour and not knowing what to do!

Could it be you're worried about what to expect and things not going to 'plan'?
I've actually just read that sometimes we dream about having 2 babies - one perfect, and one 'not-so-perfect'. Apparantly it helps us to come to terms with the fact that there may be complications, and the baby may not be as we expect. So that's why I'm dreaming it's a girl - because we both want a boy. It's my bodies way of preparing me just in case. Strange, eh?
yeah it is strange but at least you both will be prepared and not matter what happens you both will be very happy


Aw Tankett you must have woken up in a right state.. our mind really does play some cruel tricks on us when we are out for the count!!

Don't worry.. soon enough all will be revealed and don't feel guilty as after all we all know [and so does your LO] that you will all love him / her whatever he / she is!!!

that makes sense tankett - about dreaming about 2 babies!

I love reading into dreams thay tell us so much. Haven't had any myself thou.. i had so many vivid dreams at the begining of mky pregnancy but lately nothing...

I think even if he turns out to be a she (which wont be the case with you - as you say you've seen the bits n bobs) every one has a different personality... another daughter will be just perfect.

Well, the scan on saturday morning definitely confirmed yet again that this is a boy!!! :dance: :dance: So, hopefully now I know for sure, this should put an end to these dreams.

DH shocked me yesterday by telling me he would like a girl at some point. :shock: I know he wants at least one more child, but he has always said he wants a little brother for this one. Now he says he doesn't really care, but would love a little girl!! :lol:

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