Dreading Going Back!


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Im probably worrying for nothing, but i just cant help it. I need someone to put my mind at ease!.

On Wednesday i went back to college, of course my uniform has gotten a tad bit tight on me since i last wore it but i put it down to bloat at the minute, im 7 weeks tomorrow!. Of course i had to not go in uniform as i could only find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to fit over my belly.

Of course, once i got theory out of the way and settled, it was practical yet. My teacher then asked why i wasn't in uniform, to which i replied it didn't fit me anymore, and then she repied with 'well get a new one then'..Well, if you want to pay for it then im all for it, theres no way i can afford to spend £20/30 for something that'll only fit me for a month or so, I then went on to explain that id only found out that i was pregnant a week ago. She gave me a dodgy look and then went back to marking her papers.

Im dreading going back tomorrow, ive even put it off until the afternoon when i start at 9am tomorrow. Im terrified that everyones going to be horrible to me because im pregnant and treat me unfairly!.

Im hoping that my tutor will be nice to me and understand that my hormones are a bit crazy!, and even shed some light onto what i can do about my hours, im also scared incase she tells me not to come back :(

Am i being daft?
I'm surprised she reacted like that. Can u speak to ur tutor about what's best to do in your situation re uniform. You won't be the first preggo girl they've had I'm sure!

if they arent supportive you can complain to someone higher up. college is like work, you do have rights! they cant discriminate against you for being pg. everyone i go to college with thinks im a little mad for starting when i know im pg but theyre all nice and the tutors are helpful too.
I'm sure if you went to the person in charge of the college they might agree to let you go uniform free, but do you really want people knowing you're pregnant when you're only 7 weeks?

If it was me I'd just wear my button undone, go to mothercare and get a bump band. Then you can continue wearing your uniform until your bump gets obvious.

The thing with some people is that they can't treat you as pregnant until they see that you're pregnant.
Your tutor should definitely have been more supportive!! I have to admit mine has been amazing through all of my pregnancy so far and has been helpful and understanding, which is what your tutor should be like!

I wouldnt worry too much what all the group will say. I thought my group would be a lot harsher about it than they actually were but they all seem to get all giddy about the bump which actually ends up being more annoying than hurtful lol.

Stop worrying :) xx
You should definitely finish school; your child will be proud of you when he or she is older. I finished school while I was pregnant and I didn't care who knew. Here's and idea, if you don't want anyone to know that you are pregnant just have your school pants stretched by cutting the elastic alittle along the sides. Then you can also get larger school tops as well. It's either school now while your pregnant or school when the baby is born.
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