Double Figures


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Hi everyone, I'm in double figures!!!!!! :cheer: Only a week left until tri3!

Congratulations, Alfie. We'll soon be in Tri 3 together! I don't know about you, but I'm starting to panic a bit about how quick this is all going. I mean, I've been a parent for 10 years and have two kids already and I'm going into tri 3 - I SHOULD be an old hand at this by now, so why do I feel this sense of impending terror? :D

I AM looking forward to meeting my new baby really, I just wonder whether I'll ever be truly ready.
I have 2 kids already too. I wish it was going fast but I'm finding that its going really slowly. I don't do the "glowing" pregnancy thing, more like the "fat, knackered and hanging" look!!!! So it'll be nice to have it and get that nasty birth bit all over and done with!!! :rotfl:

Congrats alfie!

I don't think you'd be normal, WendyWandy if there weren't some worries in your mind, third child or no. I'd take that as a good sign. Only responsible people worry. :hug:
Does anyone "glow"? My granny keeps saying how "healthy" I look, but I've come to realise, with advancing age, that just means you're getting fatter. I have put on over 2 stones already and seemingly thre biggest weight gain has still to come :shock:

I'm already struggling to get into my car and even turning over in bed is a huge effort. Funnily enough, despite all of this and having the worst varicose veins in the history of someone in their 30s :oops: , I'm still happy to be pregnant forever. Well, that's not entirely true: at the weekend there, when I drove my friends and dropped them off outside a club, I wished I could just pause the pregnancy the odd weekend. The next morning though, when I was up and about early-ish, feeling fresh (compared to them in their hung-over states, that is), I felt quite virtuous and glad I was pregnant and not able to go out and over-indulge and all that sort of "nonsense" that I'm not able to do right now.

I didn't enjoy my last two pregnancies, but I even love having a bump this time. I think I'll begin to get more fed up with being so big as time goes on though. It's just that I wanted to have transformed my life (and my house) in the 9 months and, with only 3 months to go, that's looking less likely :?
congrats alkie!!! I'm 4 days behind you! :cheer: :cheer:
Congratulations babes. I've still got a few weeks before I'll be joining you. xxx
wow time is going so fast now, good luck in tri 3 hun :hug: :hug:

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