Double Figures!


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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:cheer: Only 99 days to go :cheer: I'm soooo excited, just really cant wait :dance: I've just got some cute Little Roo booties through the post this morning and they have made me completely melt. I'm sooo happy !
Aw congrats hun :cheer:

I'm looking forward to only having 99 days to go too :hug:
right behind you! :wave:
I'm excited but pretty freaked out how fast things are going now! I remember when it was over 200 days to go and time seemed to stand still!
Hehe, I'm looking forward to only having 69 days left, but then I think like that, lol!!! Congrats on your milestone!
It's great to get into double figures although now I'm wishing mine were single figures....were never happy huh? Almost T3 time for you then...will look out for you in there :hug:
I'm just ahead of you and didn't even notice till I saw your post - I've only got 92 days to go OHFG :D
congrats! can't wait till i'm in double figures too :hug:
Congratulations to Baby-Cakes and Smurf for reaching double figures too. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thanks everyone for your replies. :hug: :hug:
Cant wait until tri 3 , roll on next Saturday, see you there Nicola :hug:
Well done all for getting to double figures :clap: - roll on the single figures! That's my next big thing to count towards, not long now xx
babyroo said:
:cheer: Only 99 days to go :cheer: I'm soooo excited, just really cant wait :dance: I've just got some cute Little Roo booties through the post this morning and they have made me completely melt. I'm sooo happy !

ahh your a roo obsesser?

im a Tigger one!
all my clothes are tigger based basically, already haha

i love baby clothes :)

I cant wait for the double figures thingy, although i wont ever get to single figures :shock:

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