Double buggy, should I?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I'm still unsure as to whether or not to buy a double buggy :think:
I'm sure Isaac will be walking by September, but surely there'll be times when we'll need a buggy for him as well as the new arrival?
We plan on having a sling for lo but will also want a buggy for them, we have a Quinny but I don't like it that much, this is a good excuse for a new buggy, but should I get a double one?

Your experience and opinion greatly appreciated :hug:
Did you buy one and never use it, or not buy one and wish you had?
Buggy suggestions greatly apprciated too :D

Thankyou :hug:
I did use mine, it was good for long walks and going into the odd shop that would accomodate it. Im glad I didnt spend a lot of money on mine though.

Sure, Issac might be walking but its good to have them in the one place where you can see them.
I'd say definately get one. Sure your little one will be walking by then but he prob wont walk far without geting tired and is still quite young so will need naps if out for the day or anything. Plus once they start walking they wanna run everywhere and so hard to control when you wanna push a buggy as well. My son is nearly 3 and we dont use his buggy much now, but if we are going out for any length of time I still take it just incase. We used it regularly until about 6 months ago, cos although he walked well he didnt understand that he couldnt run off where he wanted to...not what you want when trying to shop or something like that! Only now is he beginning to walk sensibly, and learn to look before he crosses the road etc. If I'd been having this other baby when he was only 1 or 2, I would defo have got a double buggy!!
Hello hun :wave:
i have a 11 month old and a 3 year old, my 3 year old has mobility probs but even with a younger toddler id say itd come in handy for long walks, shopping or in bad weather etc.
id recommend a tandem as it fits into more shops than a twin side by side buggy. i have both! lol
could not live without mine! who knows what i'll do when my little one is born! :lol:
hope i've been of some help!!!
sarah. x
I got a great Mothercare Phoenix from ebay for £32
I'll only use it for big trips out and stuff, but for £32 quid including raincover I'm not complaining!
ebay is great for things like this. i paid full whack for mine but i still wouldnt be without it.
i think it only cost me 125 anyway....i was in the mindset that it would set me back a lot more but i paid 130 for a single buggy with my first child so to me it was a bargain.
i get the surestart maternity grant so thats what i spent mine on last time.
Defintely amy! issac is so small still and even though he will prob be walking by time number two is born he wont be able to walk all that far. So time for a new buggy :D
Definitely definitely! lol
Your lo will be so young, even if he is walking he wont probably make it past the end of your street!!
I had 3 babies in 3 years and I could not have coped with out the double pram!
Also, my first son didnt walk until he was 15 months old, my second son didnt walk until he was 17 months and my DD dint walk until she was 22 months!!! :shock: :shock: Yeh she was damn lazy lmao
I still use mine now although not very often. I'd say up till Aimee turned 2 and Nathan was almost 1 I used it all the time but now shes 27 months I only use it about once a week. I definatly still need it though for long walks or for walking round the shops. Although she walks fine outside you can't keep as close an eye on them as you need to while pushing a buggy.
I was thinking exactly the same thing and you redshoes and im still undecided :think: coz jack will be a little bit older..
i think were pretty much at the same stage with our babies and pregnancy wise!

yep i'm getting a double buggy. i'm going for a tandem one, probably the graco stadium.

we like to go out for the day, or walk round town etc and i couldn't imagine not having a double pram.

too much like hard work!
i have the mothercare version of the graco stadium. its fab for walks etc i find it so easy 2 push and quite comfy to lean on too wen i get tired lol
the front hood on mine broke but was cheap 2 replace, around 15 quid. u cant use the raincover without the front hood!
i looked in mothercare the other day and they had a similar tandem one to the graco stadium.

what's the mothercare one called?
god knows what its called lol had it so long now but it is practically the same as the graco stadium as its made by graco for mothercare, i think its a tad longer than the stadium tho
Sold! I'm getting a double buggy :)
Thankyou so much for all your help, now for the fun part of deciding which one, thanks for the suggestions, will be checking them out, and yes most probably watching ebay for a bargain too :D

Thankyou again, very much appreciated :hug: :hug: :hug:

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