dose your hair drop out..??


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2006
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:shock: dose your hair drop out while pregs or after?? my mums did after
she had me... and i hope that dosent happen to me :think:

my mum is now 7 weeks pregent ,.!! i carnt belive it 18 years later and she having a baby lol im really jell...
ewwwww id hate to be 18 with my mum expecting a baby LOL

It just wouldn't feel right.

Not sure about the hair thing - perhaps it runs in families i have no idea.
lol i know i should be pregs not her lol.....

nope dosent run in family.i think :think: dunno? lol
Hiya again

Yes, your hair falls out a bit after you have had the baby. This is because the hair that your normally would have lost (as you lose a bit of hair all the time naturally) does NOT fall out during pregnancy, so about 3 months after delivery you lose the hair that should have fallen out earlier, it's all down to hormones.
Gosh im gonna have an afro then cos my hair is thick at the best of times! :shock:
your hair gets thicker and grows during pregs.... i know that you carnt die your hair because if would fall out during pregs..
You can dye your hair and it doesn't drop out it may just go a different colour that you want or not take properly, I carried on highlighting my hair all through pregnancy and it was fine and then went dark. Didn't like that so wanted to go back blonde but that ended in disaster due to the hairdresser who wasn't qualified. It is safe to dye it but do a strand test as it can do something different. It might not though. Mine was fine till I went to the hairdresser who cocked it up LOL xx
during preganancy your hair doesn't always get thicker. My friends dropped out during pregnancy and didn't grow back until way after she gave birth. Ill ask her why this happened next time i see her.
My hair always gets thicker and shinier but after it goes back to the same as before. I don't notice it coming out in clumps or anyting though .It must just shed naturally.
My mum is 40 and has a 1 yr old, 2ry and 3yr lol she had bold patches at the front of her head after each birth but it grew back pretty quick x
my partner is 21 and his mum, whos 38, is expecting her 5th baby and we're still trying for our second which isnt happening as quick as the first! takes the p**s a bit really xx
I lost loads of hair during pregnancy, my hairdresser said it was quite commen, all my hair is now growing back though so i have baby hair growing all over my hair!!! got bloody little tuffs everywhere!! :lol:
this explains why my mum was nearly bald hair loss is hierditary you catch it from your kids! :lol:

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