I was looking at renting one but when I saw that it was just under £10 a month (saw rental deals in eBay) and that second hand dopplers were fairly cheap, I decided to buy one instead, I got a 2nd hand Hi-Bebe BT200 for just under £30, it's pretty much as new, just the box that it came in was a little scuffed and I had to buy some new gel. It works perfectly too
I have a friend who rents hers out for next to nothing. Would you like me to check if it's available and give her your details? It's a MW grade Hi Bebe 2000 and I could find the HB in no time at all. Although looking at your ticker you'll be able to feel the baby move very very soon so maybe it's not really worth it?
Well i have a midwife appointment Monday where she will be listening for the heartbeat for first time so providing thats all good i think i would like to have one at home rented for a bit just till after my 20 week scan or something. Would like to have her number or email or whatev if thats ok
Yeah I've just emailed her to check if it's available. You will have to pay a deposit as it's not a cheap bit of kit but it's fully returnable and the actual rental fee is very low
I bought a doppler and have an anterior placenta - 18weeks, I have more trouble finding heartbeat now as placenta in way but have found i can usually get it lower than expected - under and u from placenta. I use mine every other day although i'm feeling a few kicks its just nice to hear x
A MW grade one can be used from about 10 weeks but a cheaper one might not pick it up till 18+ wks. An anterior placenta is attached to the front wall of your uterus - posterior to the back wall. Anterior is common and there is no danger or risks with anterior placenta but some report feeling reduced movements or not feeling movement till later. I've had anterior placenta's and I felt one baby from 15 wks and another from 17
Thanks MervsMum. So you can rent them? What does that normally cost? And what would u say is best one? And how do u know its the baby's heartbeat? Sorry if I'm going on, but don't have a clue x x
Hope - my friend's doppler is currently being rented out I'm afraid.
Vixxie - If you are going to go to the trouble of renting one, my advice would be to make sure you get a MW grade one. The Hi Bebe ones are readily available to rent and pick up the HB as early as 9 wks. Google and you'll fine places with price details. Be prepared to pay a hefty deposit as they cost nearly £100 to buy so they will want an appropriate bond in the event of you breaking or damaging it
the one they used on me at the hospital did, but even if they dont its just quite obvious that theirs is faster as its like derderderderder and ours is der...der...der.... LMAO if that makes ANY sense!
if your confused then put the doppler over your heart on your chest to get to know your BPM sound? x
Ive got the angelsounds one, got it off amazon for £20. Ive not had a problem using it, and hear the babys heartbeat quite clearly. Ive been using it since I was 15 weeks (although I feel the baby kick now so dont use it as much, just when Im bored). Im not sure how good it would be if the placenta was at the front though, I mean its not the greatest of dopplers, but in my opinion its good
Not sure if thats any help but thought Id chip in!
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