Does anyone know (sorry long)


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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My work are being utterly horrible..

I went bck in april after having 1 yr off on maternity leave.. Then i had to have time off due to Bailey being ill and in and out of hospital..
When i went bck in may they asked for committments, ie how commited am i to the job etc, I had depression as well so i told them if i needed time off for appointments etc i would need to go..

Alll was ok till 3 weeks ago.. Bailey got ill so i contacted work and told them he was in hospital, they put me down as unpaid which is fair enough, then whilst he was in hospital from sunday to thursday they used my holiday entiltment without me knowing, i contacted them after he had died to explain it would be a while before i come bck, i get 3 days compassionate leave and they have booked me out for 1 week holiday, im due bck on Monday as far as they are concerned..
The way im feeling right now i cant go bck..

What are my rights, can i seek docters opinion and get signed off, if i do i will worry they will sack me due to all the time off already ive had..

Im feeling really crappy about it.. I know i need to go bck evetually but i dont feel i can just yet, its been 2 weeks thats all!
you should be entilted to sick pay. and leave.

go to your doctors to get signed of,

sorry you are having to go through this.last thing you need
:hug: :hug:
Your doctor can sign you off for bereavement.. then it's down to your companies sick policy on how long you are paid for. :hug:
Go to the doctors hun and get signed off - there is no way you can go back to work, not after what you have been through.
They really expect you to go back to work on Monday!!!! :shock: thats disgusting!!

Doctor will sign you off, the last thing you need to be doing is worrying about work.
Tell em to get stuffed!! I was gonna say a swear word!!! Do you really need to go back hun?? inconsiderate Bar stewards :x
go to your doctors and get signed off. ask your personnel if they have any 'special leave' entitlements, some companies offer special leave either with or without pay and you could ask for this for the periods you were at the hospital with your son.
I am so sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Thanks for all the replies ladies..

Im going back today.. although i havent a clue how im gonna cope

I did contact them and they said they cant pay me as sick leave if i got signed off because they know it would be a lie.. So i have to grin and bear it

If i cant handle it then i will be going to the docters about it and get him to write me a letter..
But as for the money yeah i cant afford to have time off and not get paid.. So I have to give it ago i suppose

I feel really bad towards Bailey as he isnt laid to rest and i feel like im gonna be getting back to normal.. If he was laid to rest i would probably feel different.. But Oh im not so sure what will happen today we'll have to see how i get on i suppose

I'll let you know later what happens
What total ARSEHOLES! I cant believe that they are treating you this way and you have just lost your son :( I would go and speak with your GP and see what they suggest, if you dont feel ready to go back (which is completely understandable) then there must be some way around it to give you more time to grieve and come to terms with what has happened.

Hope this afternoon goes ok though if you do go in.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I think you need to look into this more cause you are entitled to time off, you need time to grieve and they should know that you are not likely to be able to do your job properly.

I believe it is called compasionate leave rather than sick leave and you should get paid even if it is'nt the full amount.
you should def be getting compassionate leave hon - its up to the company whether they pay you for it or not, but most businesses will be generous about it. in the space of 3 month i had 29 days of paid compassionate leave when my mum was dying. this didn't affect my holiday or sick leave at all. i can't believe your company are being so awful. you poor thing :( :( :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I did get get compasionate Leave all of 3 days..

I went to work and was sent home again :?

She said to take a further 2 weeks off unpaid and to call them to let them know when i will be going bck..
They did say however they would reduce my hours to suit me, so instead of working 1-8, i can work 10-2 and off on a weekend.. That may be better until we know everything thats going on with bailey..I felt so stupid at work though, no one spoke to me, felt like they all hindered away :?
I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this at this very emotional time. If you really can not go back to work (which is perfectly understandable) then please get your doctor to sign you off, Bereavement on a medical certificate should be treated as 'Depression' so how your employers can say that they cant pay you as it would be a lie I do not know.

I would suggest you contact your union if you have one, if not someone like ACAS

Is your employer a large employer?, also is it your manager that's telling you this or personnel?, if its personnel i'd recommend you speak to the head of personnel as someone dosnt know what they're doing.

I used to deal with all sick absences when I was working in UK so please feel free to pm me if you need any advice.

:hug: :hug:
I can't believe your employer is being so inconsiderate! :evil:

Get your GP to sign you off, stuff em!!

You need time to grieve hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
tuck said:
I'm so sorry that you are having to deal with this at this very emotional time. If you really can not go back to work (which is perfectly understandable) then please get your doctor to sign you off, Bereavement on a medical certificate should be treated as 'Depression' so how your employers can say that they cant pay you as it would be a lie I do not know.

I would suggest you contact your union if you have one, if not someone like ACAS

Is your employer a large employer?, also is it your manager that's telling you this or personnel?, if its personnel i'd recommend you speak to the head of personnel as someone dosnt know what they're doing.

I used to deal with all sick absences when I was working in UK so please feel free to pm me if you need any advice.

:hug: :hug:

Thanks for this...

I work for pc world, so yeah its a big company! Its the managers who are saying this, so im going to contact hr today and speak to someone about it. I was told yesterday by another employee that they didnt pay him ether until he took it further.. So Theres hope yet!

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