Does anyone else feel like this..


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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its hard to explain but like when i start deep thinking about baby and things, i get worried that hes gunna come out with like one arm. or hes gunna be blind or something,
like you dream of having a perfect little baby and that ,and the what if something is wrong? im just worried hes going to be ill :(
and i dont want him to be obviously.

id love him whatever, but it just really makes me paranoid and stuff, that my baby isnt going to be how i visioned him.
hope this doesnt sound bad. or anything
They would of said if there was going to be a problem hunni with the babies body and limbs.
Dont worry, your doing what everyone else has done - panic for no bloody reason!!! :rotfl:
i really cant help it, its like things have gone well so far and i just expect something to be wrong now :(

ill try not to worry
I keep thinking this too and feel really bad.

Thing is my Mum and Stepdad work with adults with learning difficulties and disabilities and my MIL works in a school for children with disabilities and life threatening illnesses and so it's always there in my mind.

I think it's perfectly normal to worry about stuff like that honey :hug: Try to not let it get to you too much xxx
Its scary with my first scan i was further along than thought so could not have the nucheal scan so had blood done instead, results came back as very high risk of downs.
I had to make a major decision whether to have an amnio and risk miscarrage of sit it out and hope for the best.
As i'm a worry wart anyway i had an amnio (weirdest thing i've ever done in my life) and all was ok.
I could not of spent the rest of my pregnancy worrying plus i found out i was having a little boy!
i seriously cant stop worrying about it all.
i get paranoid that i will have im early aswell,
i know now, theres a massive brilliant chance of survival and normal health and stuff
i think its cos i havent got much else to do :|
i dunno
The paranoia goes dont worry. We all have fears, its all normal and its our hormones
nah i just dream of me holding baby and stuff like that and the more i dream it the more i want baby . the more baby stays stubborn and stays in lol
i deffo know what you mean hun...i have this feeling that mia is going to be deaf or something...i dont know why its so specific..thats what worries me :cry: but then i think hey, she is stil a babe and you just have to adjust your life accordingly...ultimatley we all just deal with whatever life throws at us

on a happier note..NOT LONG TO GOOOOOO :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I keep having nice dreams about my baby that im just looking after her and putting her in her moses basket and stuff, sad i know lol! I just keep telling myself 2 weeks to go or one week to go if my dates are right!
mrs_tommo22 said:
I keep having nice dreams about my baby that im just looking after her and putting her in her moses basket and stuff, sad i know lol! I just keep telling myself 2 weeks to go or one week to go if my dates are right!

or 9 days if you want to make a certain princess's day :lol: :wink: hehe
over my pregnancy, i have had mega horrid dreams about my baby, like people trying to take him away and stuff, and i had to tell my mum aboutthem cos i was so upset about it,

im glad that other people are like this and im not the only one.
your deffo not alone!!

Last night i dreamt I had had mia and she was a red doll with arms and legs made out felt :? :talkhand: DONT ASK!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've had thoughts and dreams like this too - I have a lot of dreams where we all get burgled and me and little one have to hide in the wardrobe as all the men have guns and knives..

And I always keep thinking the baby will be born asleep, or with some sort of rare disease or something :( don't mean to offend anyone, guess I'm just scared something will go wrong and can't believe how lucky I would be to have a perfect little baby :)
Robyn_ said:
over my pregnancy, i have had mega horrid dreams about my baby, like people trying to take him away and stuff, and i had to tell my mum aboutthem cos i was so upset about it,

im glad that other people are like this and im not the only one.

I know what you mean!!! I spent Monday night in the hospital as i was unwell, and had 2 awful baby dreams!! When I told the midwife that was looking after me, she put it down to the anxiety and put me on the monitor so i could hear baby's heartbeat... it's a very reassuring sound!!!

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