Does anybody work in a lab? Worried about exposure


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Hi all,

I work in a medical research laboratory and was wondering whether anyone else was in a similar position?

I spoke to a GP this morning and he advised me to let my employers know about the pregnancy as soon as possible so that they can re-do risk assessments, etc.

I deal mainly in cell culture and immunoassay and don't work with anything radioactive. But I'm worried about the 70% ethanol that we use to spray down all the cell culture equipment all the time. I think I inhale quite a lot of it on a daily basis!

Do you all think I should tell my employer early, and has anyone else and experience in this kind of situation?

Any help much appreciated.

Hi KJ,

I also work in lab but didn't tell my employer until this morning. We have a funeral of a colleague next week and I didn't want to have to tell him then, after the scan (and I don't want to tell anyone else at work till he knows) I haven't really worried too much about exposure so far. I was actually writing a paper for the last few weeks of last year so wasn't in the lab much but I was still doing cell culture and Western blots. I have only really been concerned about acrylamide and I just must appear to be suddenly more safety concious to my colleagues as i have started wearing a lab coat!!!!

I wouldn't worry about the ethanol as i don't think you'll absorb very much. Although I have taken to holding my breath a bit while I actually spray!!!!

What do you actually do? Are you on a fixed contract like me. That has been my main concern as i will come back off of maternity leave 2 months before my funding finishes.....still need to ahve that chat with my boss. He was very supportive about helping me get a fellowship before so I hope he still is.

Hope that helps
PM me anytime
Hi Tick-Tock,

will definitely PM you. I'm so pleased that there's someone else in a similar position.


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